Tips on if it's worth my money or not. Bayliner wont move forward only reverse.


Mar 18, 2014
So I've been looking at sport boats for some time now and a friend of my fathers is trying to sell one.
From what I've been told it is a 1986 22" Bayliner with a 6 cylinder Chevy engine. The boat itself is in excellent condition, no rot or weather damage and has been properly winterized and shrink wrapped. But it has been sitting for 2 years like this because it has two problems. The starter will only turn the engine over if it is given a jump, I would assume this is an electrical issue somewhere between the ignition and the starter itself. Also more serious, the boat will only go in reverse and will not move forward. The boat is a steal at the price he wants and my father trusts him and believes hes not hiding anything. I'm hoping some experienced boaters can give me some tips on what to look for related to these issues when I see it this weekend. Also any info on what the worst case scenario could be and if it is at all worth the risk.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Tips on if it's worth my money or not. Bayliner wont move forward only reverse.

So I've been looking at sport boats for some time now and a friend of my fathers is trying to sell one.
From what I've been told it is a 1986 22" Bayliner with a 6 cylinder Chevy engine. The boat itself is in excellent condition, no rot or weather damage and has been properly winterized and shrink wrapped. But it has been sitting for 2 years like this because it has two problems. The starter will only turn the engine over if it is given a jump, I would assume this is an electrical issue somewhere between the ignition and the starter itself. Also more serious, the boat will only go in reverse and will not move forward. The boat is a steal at the price he wants and my father trusts him and believes hes not hiding anything. I'm hoping some experienced boaters can give me some tips on what to look for related to these issues when I see it this weekend. Also any info on what the worst case scenario could be and if it is at all worth the risk.

Ayuh,.... Welcome Aboard,.... What Drive is on it,..??

If it's an OMC,..... Run, ya don't want it,...

A Mercruiser or Volvo is probably saveable,...


Rear Admiral
Sep 27, 2012
Re: Tips on if it's worth my money or not. Bayliner wont move forward only reverse.

1986 Bayliner with a Chevy will have an OMC Cobra however. Take into acount a $1,500 discount for a new outdrive.. SEI makes a conversion kit to use a Merc Alpha leg on the OMC transom plate. Everything can be had for right around $1,500 new, and then you would have a brand new servicable drive with a good warranty... The boat is maby a $3,500 boat in great condition. I'd give no more than $1,500 for it, and that is figuring you could find a $1k rotbox with a complete Mercruiser drive and put togther a nice boat.. A 5.0L/5.7L Merc Alpha One setup would be real nice. Just don't get a 3.7L/ "470" boat as a donor unless you like projects..

I think early '86 ended the Volvo's and it was more like '85, but some new style boats ( with the side windows ), I have seen with Volvo's, and they were listed as '86's
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Senior Chief Petty Officer
Feb 13, 2010
Re: Tips on if it's worth my money or not. Bayliner wont move forward only reverse.

I don't know how much you know about boats in general. I started out with an '89 Bayliner. It needed lots of work. I had fun with it but it wasn't much. Everything needed replacing or redoing. I upgraded to a Larson which is heavier so it rides much better and works much better, the gauges, steering, everything are just much better.
A Bayliner, especially of that era, is a low budget cheap boat. They can be lots of fun but you're not buying much.


Mar 18, 2014
Re: Tips on if it's worth my money or not. Bayliner wont move forward only reverse.

Well the owner of the boat informed me that it has a alpha one lower unit. Is it possible that the cable for the forward and reverse slipped or is it more likely that the gears in the lower unit are shot? Is there a way to visually tell when I look at it without starting it up? I spoke with a boat mechanic who wants $100 an hour for inspection and claims that it must be running for him to do this inspection. Because of this he said he will also have to de-winterize the boat and that may take some time. So at $1500 bucks for the boat as is whats everyone's thoughts? I'm mechanical by nature but am new to boats is this more than I want to jump into?


Rear Admiral
Sep 27, 2012
Re: Tips on if it's worth my money or not. Bayliner wont move forward only reverse.

If it's Solid and generally nice, for $1,500. That issue would not shy me away, especially if it really has an Alpha leg.. The boat would have came with an OMC Cobra tho.

De- winterize will only entail closing the engine drains, hooking up a couple hoses and battery. Not a big deal.. Winterizing is as easy in reverse.. If the owner is really concerned. Change the gear lube.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Tips on if it's worth my money or not. Bayliner wont move forward only reverse.

Well the owner of the boat informed me that it has a alpha one lower unit. Is it possible that the cable for the forward and reverse slipped or is it more likely that the gears in the lower unit are shot? Is there a way to visually tell when I look at it without starting it up? I spoke with a boat mechanic who wants $100 an hour for inspection and claims that it must be running for him to do this inspection. Because of this he said he will also have to de-winterize the boat and that may take some time. So at $1500 bucks for the boat as is whats everyone's thoughts? I'm mechanical by nature but am new to boats is this more than I want to jump into?

Ayuh,.... Before ya make a decision,... Do some readin' up in Don'S Adults Only section,...

Lotsa Great learnin' in there,..... ;)