Re: Time for a new floor and???????
There are materials that can be used in place of wood, but it is very spendy. What you have to ask yourself is how long do you think you will have the boat, how will you care for it? What killed the wood in your boat was moisture being allowed in to soak the wood and then being trapped. Plywood doesn't handle being wet all the time like solid wood can. <br /><br />People have a bad habit of thinking that because it is a boat it can sit out in the rain and snow. That kills a boat quicker than anything else. All that water pooling up in the bilge evaporates and then condenses on the underside of the floor, keeping it wet. The floor keeps soaking the water in, and the rot sets in after that. Also, water soaks into the floatation foam and never comes out. Finally, water seeps in through screws in the floor from mounting objects to the floor. Through bolts in the transom that are not sealed right allow the transom to soak in water as well.<br /><br />The solution? Seal all screws and throuth bolts, and keep the boat under cover when not in use or at least if rain is expected. How old is the boat? If it is like my boat which is 33 years old, I figure it made it 33 years before I had to replace all the structure, I did better job than the factory did, and I take good care of my boats. I know I will get at least another 33 years out of it, but will I have this boat another 33 years? Doubtful. Go ahead and use wood, glass it in really good, seal everything, and take good care of it, it will last as long as you need it to.