
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: TICKS!!!!

Originally posted by Boomyal:<br />
Originally posted by boatneck:<br />Grasp the tick with the fingers and pull steadily out from the skin.
I dunno boatneck, they might turn around and bite me! :D
I'm not worried about being bit, but I gotta admit I'm kinda a wuss w.r.t. pulling ticks out by hand. Plus, you want to pull from as close to the dogs skin as possible so as to get as much of the ticks head as possible. Fingers just aren't that precise. <br /><br />But the pull slowly but steadily part is good advice. And you gotta make sure you squeeze the tweezers tight enough to maintain a good grip, but not so tight you squeeze the head off...<br /><br />Again, smearing Bag Balm around the dogs skin just where the ticks head enters (as compared to smearing the whole tick) seems to help...I'm sure the bag balm melts some from the dogs body heat. Wonder if some of it works it's way into the skin where the ticks head enters & helps it slide out easier?

Ron G

Apr 28, 2005
Re: TICKS!!!!

Yea LL it has gone up a bunch over the years.i even saw were you can buy it in little bitty tins like chap stick or something.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: TICKS!!!!

Originally posted by LakeLivin:<br />Wonder if some of it works it's way into the skin where the ticks head enters & helps it slide out easier?
Those critters hang on tighter than a bull mastif. They'd rather lose their heads then give up their grip on the blood source. Methinks they were inspired by the Devil. God woulda never conceived of such a vile critter.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 28, 2003
Re: TICKS!!!!

For the human.....during my years in the military, we used Flowers of Sulfur, which we bought at the drugstore. <br /><br />It was nothing more powered sulfur and we filled an old sock about half full, tied it off, and dusted our boots, lower pants, and around our waist with it when out in the woods. It sure kept the ticks off. Also kept their cousins, what we call down here red bugs, at bay. Sometimes the red bugs are worse than ticks. <br /><br />I still use it anytime the weather is warm and I am out in tick country. Never have any ticks. I might say also that you should always tuck your pants in your boots to help keep them out. Ticks and red bugs sure do like warm moist places on humans so dust anywhere you think they might try to get in under your clothes.<br /><br />If you get in a bind you might could dust your dog too. Never tried it but don't think it would hurt the animal.