
Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
It's late on Sunday nite. Daughter just came home, with Pooch, from a hike in the hills. Pooch has many ticks. One crawled on my hand, another has his head buried in his forhead. I'm sure that there are many more. Any suggestions what to do?? <br /><br />I'm headed out to Walgreens to see if they have any tick spray or shampoo but any suggestions would also be appreciated.<br /><br />Want to nip this in the bud. Not only do we want to get them off Pooch, we don't want his bedding and the house infested.<br /><br />UPDATE: I got a tick dip to bathe the pooch in. No ticks came off of him in the wash. All of the empedded ticks seemed to be right around his eyes and brows. After opening my now 10 year old pack of smokes, stored in the refridgerator, (I quit 10 years ago) I lit one up, (oh how tempting to inhale) and tried to get the buggers to back out. They would not. We then used a set of needle nose tweezers and ended up pulling the bodies off of the ticks. (heads would not come out) We will take him to the vet tomorrow for proper treatment and advice.

Reel Poor

Vice Admiral
Jan 29, 2005
Re: TICKS!!!!

eeeeeewwwwwww!!!!! Poor feller. :( And I do mean the dog. :D


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: TICKS!!!!

they make a little devise like a tiny fork that will slip between the tick head and the animal, or your, skin to help pry it out. even then sometimes the mouth gets left in the skin.<br /> DO NOT attepmt to burn a tick out. while it may back out it regurgetates its stomach into the host while doing so.<br /> thats when the problems start. frontline makes about the best tick prevention I have used.<br /> I still have to pull them off the cats and the horse occasionally.<br />nasty lil bugs.<br />especially the tiny ones we call "seed" ticks.<br /> smaller than a pin head. ya dont even feel them till they itch.<br /> I got into them one day so bad my legs were brown. I thought it was dirt till I saw them moving.<br /> I grabbed the dog shampo and hopped in the shower and told my uncle if I fell out take the bottle to the hospitile with me.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: TICKS!!!!

rodbolt, do ticks get in the ear canals?? Poochy is exhibiting a sensitive right ear. We do have a vet appointment this morning. He still has at least one tick on his chest. We will let the vet examine him and remove any others that we missed last night.<br /><br />The tick dip did not seem to cause the one on his chest to vacate.


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: TICKS!!!!

Ticks and the heat method. Quick question: If some one lit a fire under your a$$ would you back into it?? :eek: :confused: Best way to remove embedded ticks is to grasp them as close to the head as possible (some people use tweezers) and GENTLY pull until the tick is removed or otherwise separated from its head. If the head does not pull out there is no need to worry, it will come out on its own over time. Also the ticks generally attach themselves to a place on the host animal where the animal cannot readily scratch it off.


Aug 12, 2003
Re: TICKS!!!!

i haven't had much luck with it, but vaseline smeared around the tick's head is supposed to make them back out to breathe. sounds easy but getting it in there is a mess. i usually end up pulling them too.<br /><br />ticks can get down their ears but you're probably looking at either mites or just an infection there.<br /><br />good luck with him.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 21, 2004
Re: TICKS!!!!

when our dog gets them we either pull them out or if they are really attached good we use some rubbing alcohol and they seem to release their hold some and pull them off. frontline plus or advantix is what we use. Last year the dog didn't get any this year she has had a couple


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: TICKS!!!!

I second Frontline Plus (although I've gotta admit I'd like to research K9 Advantix, which supposedly repels/ kills mosquitos as well as ticks & fleas). A.f.a.i.k. these are two of the few treatments that kill ticks as well as fleas for a period of time. Downside is that it kills ticks for only about a month (works for up to 3 months for fleas). So I apply it more frequently from Spring to mid-Fall, less frequently over the winter when there aren't ticks around. <br /><br />(Frontline Plus has an extra ingredient that stops flea eggs from hatching, helping to break the flea cycle better than plain Frontline TopSpot). <br /><br />I've found that embedded ticks are much less a problem with Frontline Plus. If you get 'em, they don't seem to be as deep & alot easier to remove (drug prolly kills em before they get in too deep).<br /><br />My best success in removing them is to put a little bag balm around the ticks head, wait 5 minutes or so, and slowly pull the head as close to the dogs skin as I can get with some precision tweezers. Don't know the effect the bag balm has on the ticks, but it seems to soften up the skin so they some out easier (sometimes I'll even get a tiny bit of the dogs flesh with the head, but I'd rather have that than leave part of the head in the dog). Plus, I figure since bag balm is an antiseptic, it helps protects from any infection.<br /><br />Nasty little bastids, saw my first ones today. Time for a Frontline Plus treatment tonight.<br /><br />btw, the cheapest I've found Frontline Plus is over the internet from a couple of Australian companies. The first two links below are Australian; best deal depends on how much you're gonna buy cause shipping varies across the two companies. One has cheaper products with higher shipping cost, other has costlier products with lower shipping costs. The Australian product is the same, but listed on the box in kg instead of pounds (the web sties list both). I've ordered from the first with no problems whatsoever (except shipping takes a couple of days longer, of course). <br /><br /> http://www.vetproductsdirect.com <br /> http://www.petshed.com <br /><br />ps I've seen a couple of ticks in my dogs ears, but not too deep down.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: TICKS!!!!

UPDATE: Frontline Plus is exactly what the vet said to use. He said that within an hour after application, the offending beast(s) will back out due to the contaminated blood. Also any eggs that might be in the near vicinity of the dogs resting spot will be destroyed.<br /><br />Now if Lakelivin had posted a bit earlier it would have saved the cost of a vet visit. :p <br /><br />I guess we should keep Pooch treated if we take out into the woods again. Hopefully the ticks will jump right off when they detect the Frontline.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: TICKS!!!!

I third Frontline Plus NO TICKS last year all ready gave here this years first treatment sunday.<br /><br /><br />Before Frontline Plus i was picking off ticks allmost everyday :eek: <br /><br /><br />tommays


Jul 10, 2005
Re: TICKS!!!!

When I had my pepper we would take her with us to hang out at a little creek we have around here. She was in the brush chasing what ever moved come home full of ticks I would grab and twist real slow and pull them out they do not pull out easy but they do pull out Then wash with a tick flea soap. Gosh I sure do miss that dog wish I was pulling ticks out of her now.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: TICKS!!!!

yes ticks get in the ear canal, I had one in mine when I was about 8 that the Dr had to remove.<br /> they reccomend against oils and ointments to force a backout as they have to regurgetate to back out and it increases the liklihood of bad organisms and bacteria from the tick stomach to the host, same as the flame trick.<br /> Frontline so far is the hands down winner for me, even the horse gets her 35 dollars worth of it about every 2 months.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 15, 2003
Re: TICKS!!!!

Frontline is the stuff. I know it's working when I find the little carcasses on my white carpet. Now if I can just keep em off me when we go into the woods! <br /><br />Still too cold here, I won't see one until mid may I bet.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: TICKS!!!!

we get them here year round, and in the spring and summer the brown ones drop out of the pine trees.<br /> paratrooper ticks, yea I know yall think I am tokin again, but I have seen them land on me from the tree out front.<br /> but the tiny little seed ticks are the worst, sometimes you will have several hundred on you at once and not feel them.<br /> deep woods off liberally applied helps keep them at bay.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 29, 2004
Re: TICKS!!!!

Hot needle on the butt allways worked for us, they back out quite quick. I've heard that vasoline will work also, never tried. You don't want to just rip the tick out, the head will keep on going. I don't believe in chemicals society relys on them way to much. Try to get them out naturally 1st, anything on their butt will cause them to back out because they won't be able to breathe.

Ron G

Apr 28, 2005
Re: TICKS!!!!

Ya'll made up my mind too,i'm going to try the frontline this year.<br />LL that bag balm is good stuff works mircales on alot of things.


Jul 5, 2001
Re: TICKS!!!!

Frontline works! I use sulfur on the yard, smells for a few days but it runs flees and tick off, will not kill them.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 9, 2001
Re: TICKS!!!!

When we lived in Virginia, our dogs were always bringing home ticks which we removed by gently pulling them off. We also got them ourselves which we removed the same way. Heat, vaseline are not recommended since they tend to leave the ticks in when they should be removed as soon as possible. We used Biospot and Frontline which were effective, but the dogs still brought home ticks. We just learned to check them every day and removed them by gently pulling them off. Grasp the tick with the fingers and pull steadily out from the skin.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: TICKS!!!!

Sorry Boom, it's actually surprising I read this post as quickly as I did. Been busy & not able to browse iBF as much as I'd like to these days.<br /><br />Just came back from the vet yesterday. I asked him about K9 Advantix vs. Frontline Plus. The Advantix advertises that it repels fleas, ticks, and mosquitos in addition to killing them if they do get on your pet. Not 100% as far as repelling the pests, but he said he noticed that last year (a bad one for ticks in our area) he noticed that dogs he saw that were treated with Advantix had about 25% of the dead ticks attached as compared to dogs treated with Frontline. Both killed the ticks, but sometimes not before they attach. So apparently Advantix does repel, but not 100%. <br /><br />Frontline Plus doesn't repel pests, nor kill mosquitos; it kills fleas & ticks plus it inhibits flea egg development, helping to break the flea cycle once you have them. I don't think Advantix has this last property. <br /><br />If you don't have fleas in the house sounds like Advantix might be better. One down side is that even though it's not an Rx drug, I believe the maker (Bayer) is trying to limit sales only through vets, which means no large discounts from buying on the internet.<br /><br />If you do have fleas/ flea eggs in the house, there might be an advantage to using the Frontline Plus for awhile to break the flea cycle. The fleas (and eggs that are probably already present and will hatch to become fleas) will go for the dog (rather than you), and the Frontline Plus will kill them & help break the flea cycle by preventing any eggs that are laid before the flea dies from hatching, thereby breaking the flea cycle.<br /><br />Btw, both work as follows: they are systemically absorbed through the skin and then excreted through the oils on your pets skin (rather than by staying in the blood system). <br /><br />I've heard that occasional brushing can help stimulate oil secretion, so that might be useful later in the dosing cycle, when there is less drug left in your dogs system (pure speculation on my part). <br /><br />ps Ron G: yeah, Bag Balm is some good stuff. Only problem with using it for more things on my dogs is that they apparently like the taste of it and lick it off if they can get to it. Have you noticed how much it has gone up in price over the past 8-10 years or so since people discovered it's many benefits and it's not being bought just by farmers anymore? On the other hand, a tin seems to last forever...


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: TICKS!!!!

Originally posted by boatneck:<br />Grasp the tick with the fingers and pull steadily out from the skin.
I dunno boatneck, they might turn around and bite me! :D