Thoughts and opinions on MMI school


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 24, 2011
*puts on rain gear for incoming flood*

Aight just as title says looking for your thoughts and opinions on the marine mechanical institute.

Has anyone been through the program? If so is it a decent program for the cost?

Are there any other schools for marine mechanical? Any other ways to break into the field?

I've found that working on my engines and boats that I've come to enjoy it and can see myself doing it for a living but would like some more input from a community I've grown to trust.

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Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: Thoughts and opinions on MMI school

MMi for boats is a lot like AMI for motorcycles. They teach the concepts and the operation/rebuilding of equipment, but they (from what I've heard) don't spend a lot of time on older model troubleshooting. New stuff with computer controls aren't the problem, as there are algorhythms and flow charts to follow. My understanding is that you really need to go in with some base knowledge about the inner workings of the machinery, but not so much that you won't listen to what's being taught because you already know it all.

This is from people that I've met from AMI in Daytona Beach. Their history may have been the norm or the exception. I, personally, have no way of knowing.

Good luck!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 5, 2011
Re: Thoughts and opinions on MMI school

Well being in the automotive field i have seen my fair share of "graduates" from all the schools like you are speaking of. I know in the auto field they are considered jokes and they wont even hire them anymore where i work. Since the last 10 that have come from them couldnt even change the oil in the car but they sure as hell could take tests and read the flow charts. However put them in front of a car and they were lost, everyone of them said the same thing. It was a waste of money and they wish they would have gone to the vo tech options or the local community college. So if it is the same as the auto field i would personally stay away and look at other options. Perhaps even get on at some local marine on a training setting, my dealership would rather hire you wihtout any knowledge and get you to where you can do the work the right way then pay for someone who has no clue where to start. Hope this helps.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 24, 2011
Actually yes both of your replies have been helpful. Figured before I dropped the money on the school that I can't find a job doing , I'd talk to others who have dealt with them.

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Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 8, 2011
Re: Thoughts and opinions on MMI school

I think you'd have better luck looking for an assistant job at a marina or marine mechanic's shop. Even an unpaid internship would be cheaper than paying to learn and you'd likely get a better education in the real world compared to MMI.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Thoughts and opinions on MMI school

Lot's of PRAYER to find a job so you can HOPEFULLY pay off the amount of money the classes really cost............. you may never pay it all back and it is a burden.

I agree with above and you need to find a marina job FIRST and learn on the job for a bit. There are MANY MANY that started out cleaning hulls, changing oil, lower unit oil and all the other small jobs people pay for. An investment like that will actually pay off sooner and faster.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 24, 2011
I do thank all of you for the input and was getting the feeling the school was like that. They were trying to move everything along too quickly for my liking.

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