This actually happened to me, I was having the second lens replacement for catracts.The opp is done with you wide awake with a local animistic, the natural lens had been removed and he was in the process of installing the new plastic one and he reached for a interment and i hear a damm it this one is broken, he asks a nurse for another tray and its aslo broken and they check the 2 other trays that are prepped for the days other scheduled opps and their all broken he has a nurse call the insterment prep manager to find out what has happened. They had changed suppliers in the last week and the first batch had some sort of point broken off. The surgen walked over to me and apologized and said ok their is some sort of massive screw up and it will be about a 20 minute delay till he can get the right interment. Then i hear him on the phone raising pure hell and telling some one to get off their ass and get him a so and so in the next 10 minutes. I asked if he fished, he snickered.and said yes when he got the chance and we chatted while the interment showed up and he finished, and the opp was a sucess, my vision is fine.