they said....


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
"this isn't Carolina, and you can't.........."
Never looking an argument, I said OK...
If no one else does, I find this interesting, Forgive me in advance, sometimes typing is the most exercise I'll get all day:facepalm:. Not really, but is some a mental exercise, plus I can practice expository/suppository writing lol in comments. I was reminded today when asked about my avatar.

It's been awhile - May 08. And it will take me awhile to articulate this story. Not stupid, just old school and takes a minute or two - be patient, might not finish tonight, other priorities! :)
Anyway, was at Fort Calhoun Nuclear PP for a refueling outage; 7/12's for three months 6pm til 6am. As some of you might know, that's a lot of safety meetings and discussions about the work you're getting ready to do. A lot of playing cards, talking about everything under the sun, waiting, more waiting, and then you "might" do something. It has to be that way for safety reasons.

A Journeyman Pipefighter lol - me more of a Pipe Welder, but not there. Since I'm traveling, I carry a few pictures of Bass I've caught, just for show and conversation. I'm not a braggart, but have caught some decent fish. Besides, the measure of a Man, Woman, or Child cannot be determined by the size or quantity of fish. There's no ego here, but I do like showing them off.

"you can't catch big Bass like that here". It was kind of obvious to me that I'd never been there before and knew nothing about fishing in Nebraska; so I said OK and nodded my head. A couple nights later I happened to be outside on break lol hitting on a Churchill sized Connecticut Medium I'd brought from Kentucky; when this woman approaches and starts talking about my cigar - her husband is one of those aficionados.

GREAT people up there in Nebraska; we had a pleasant chat. She also told me about Summit Reservoir, where she and her husband often mopped up with catfish, shoreline fishing. Important stuff cos my boat's in storage back in Raleigh yee-haw, North Carolina!! If memory serves me correctly, and it often doesn't!! :lol: took a drive the next day to check things out. Was 30 or so minutes from the campground in Blair, NE and that's when I caught this bird crossing the road on my way back.

Must have been a Monday cos I bought an outta state license on Tuesday and went fishing Wednesday lol me so mathematically challenged!! First time to wet a line in way too long, but was rewarded. Stopped counting at fifty Bass because it was no longer important. Not kidding, the lake had died a few years back and they drained, bulldozed etc... and restocked. !4" minimum keepers, might have caught two legal size. Kept nothing.

Working nights, I can only sleep until noon or 1pm, especially if I know I'm going fishing. But I casually mentioned my catch at work and heard, "told ya". I don't fish to prove anything, don't/won't tournament fish because that's just not me. There's a major cold front coming through sometime Thursday night; the plan is to skip most of what I already fished and go on down to a big rock jetty I'd seen.

Had already caught maybe 15 by the time I reached the jetty, and there were two young boys fishing the spot. They were tearing up some Bream and Crappie on nightcrawlers; and I asked if they minded. Next thing I knew, I was fixing their stuff and getting hooks out! LOL I didn't mind and still made some casts, but after catching just one Bass, they wouldn't leave my side. "Hey Mr, Hey Mr!!!!" lmbo thinking leave me alone leave me alone!

Finally told them, I'm gonna get out on those rocks, ya'll need stay back, please". Took three or four casts, but could feel myself relax. Way out on the jetty, I threw my crankbait back towards the shore. A fair breeze blowing made me unsure at first as to what I was feeling in my line, but it happened twice more - same cast - and I knew. I knew a decent fish had pulled up behind my suspended slow moving bait and was trying to inhale it. Big Bass often proceed with caution, but in this case, not cautious enough!!

By the time I could get back with my camera, the boy's Mom and Grandmother were there. Grandma was drunk and sporting a tall Budweiser lol; gave 'em the fish and they invited me for dinner. Good people, but I had to get on back and work all night. I may be in T-shirt, but it wasn't that mild and I'm tuff anyway.

to be continued...... there's a bit more to this story[/URL]


May 21, 2011
Boyer Chute was a good place for teen activities and fishing when I was younger. A bit south and west of Fort Calhoun.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Boyer Chute was a good place for teen activities and fishing when I was younger. A bit south and west of Fort Calhoun.
yes, I sorta remember hearing about Boyer Chute? Been awhile and traveling/work so much back then. It's beautiful country, lots of wildlife, and different. Blown away to see a large black spot on an open hillside, then discover it's all Wild Turkeys!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
At work that night, kind of kept it to myself; my "fan club" (said w/sarcasm lol) consisted mostly of scoffers. hahaaaaa It's funny to me, wasn't out to prove anything. Am only guessing and it doesn't matter, never did, telling about the fifty probably created some cynicism? I'm an outsider and a damn Tarheel at that.

However, my shift consisted of working side by side with a company maintenance mechanic, and we became very close from the get go. He was kinda in disbelief too, indicated by his comment after me telling him about this 6 plus pound Bass. "if you catch another nice one, my wife and I would like it for dinner" - it was more his tone, but what other people think is none of my business.

The cold front passed and dumped some rain, but I had the fever! One time fishing is one too many, and a thousand times not enough. It's called fishing not catching, but is sure is nice to catch "em. It was cold windy and damp, but I went anyway... the water was up four to six inches. A little dismayed, but I'm still out there and enjoying it.

Was gonna drive straight into work because we had to change clothes once inside. Skipping ahead, I called my friend co-worker on the way and said I'd be stopping by for a minute first. He couldn't believe his eyes, especially when I showed him the picture on my camera af the one caught the day before. They look a lot alike, but they're not the same Bass. This second one is a little fatter and a bit heavier.

So now, there are two large Bass that he knows of from the land of tiny Bass. If I had known he was going to mount it and not eat it, I'd thrown her back.

and this story isn't over yet[/URL]


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Rumors were flying during the wee hours of Saturday morning, the plant was giving us a day off. Unusual anytime during an outage, but were giving us Mother's Day as we were ahead of schedule?? Only the greedy complained, triple time and a half; 7/12's are enough. We had to work Sat night, and my buddy tells me his son has a 14' Skinoo chained up at a 10 acre pond

The weather had mellowed and we hit it Sunday afternoon. The last cast I was to make for a few months yielded this fish


they were right about one thing, "this ain't Carolina"
In four two or three hour outings and in five days, I caught somewhere near a hundred Bass - three over six pounds. In the land of what they say "small Bass".

I have no idea why this happened - all I know is that it did. I wasn't out to prove anything, that's not my way. I enjoy fishing for fishing's sake. I'd be lying if I said I never wondered what they say now; only a fleeting thought as it was.

Worrying or wondering about what other people think or say about you is wasted time. The only person I need answer to is that man in the mirror. And he's watching me even when I sleep.


Dec 8, 2011
Rumors were flying during the wee hours of Saturday morning, the plant was giving us a day off. Unusual anytime during an outage, but were giving us Mother's Day as we were ahead of schedule?? Only the greedy complained, triple time and a half; 7/12's are enough. We had to work Sat night, and my buddy tells me his son has a 14' Skinoo chained up at a 10 acre pond

The weather had mellowed and we hit it Sunday afternoon. The last cast I was to make for a few months yielded this fish


they were right about one thing, "this ain't Carolina"
In four two or three hour outings and in five days, I caught somewhere near a hundred Bass - three over six pounds. In the land of what they say "small Bass".

I have no idea why this happened - all I know is that it did. I wasn't out to prove anything, that's not my way. I enjoy fishing for fishing's sake. I'd be lying if I said I never wondered what they say now; only a fleeting thought as it was.

Worrying or wondering about what other people think or say about you is wasted time. The only person I need answer to is that man in the mirror. And he's watching me even when I sleep.

Momma always said the devil was in the mirror...:eek: LOL :D

Good story...Nice Bass...:thumb:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Momma always said the devil was in the mirror...:eek: LOL :D

Good story...Nice Bass...:thumb:
thanks, sometimes I know the devil is in the mirror!!! and remember, what you think of me is none of my business :pound:

S.A. Baker

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 9, 2015
Small Bass are usually the direct result of everyone keeping all the big ones! Happened with our Smallmouth fishery here. And everyone wonders why they never catch a big one anymore! Takes a lot of years to grow a big smallie up here in the frozen north! the way... My wife caught an 8lb 4 oz largemouth late this summer! She released it. She caught several in the 3-5 lb range. Though I outfished her in the quantity department, I doubt my biggest broke 2 lbs ! All casting crank
baits and surface lures. Now the boats's cold , and we're bored! Think we'll go tackle shopping tomorrow!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Small Bass are usually the direct result of everyone keeping all the big ones! Happened with our Smallmouth fishery here. And everyone wonders why they never catch a big one anymore! Takes a lot of years to grow a big smallie up here in the frozen north! the way... My wife caught an 8lb 4 oz largemouth late this summer! She released it. She caught several in the 3-5 lb range. Though I outfished her in the quantity department, I doubt my biggest broke 2 lbs ! All casting crank
baits and surface lures. Now the boats's cold , and we're bored! Think we'll go tackle shopping tomorrow!
there are a several different theories as to "why" the Bass population of a body of water is the way it is. And keeping the big ones usually isn't one of them, sorry. Big fish are most likely female (breeders) and lots of small indicate too many breeding fish OR not enough predators; e.g., Bream eating Bass eggs, which is usually the case (am referring to Largemouth).

It doesn't take a heavily fished lake for the older Bass to be educated :lol::lol: They don't get big by being stupid. My dad always said anything over two and a half pounds is a really nice fish, I agree. A lot goes into the balance and health of even a mud puddle lol; and a lot needs to be considered before removing any fish, especially, a breeder. Never fish the spawn!

The boredom thing I know all too well.... a tip for you or a suggestion? I have a whole room devoted to the repair of freshwater tackle. Rarely buy lures anymore; I go through 'em quick and new lures are just too dang expensive! Other than soft baits, I haven't bought a new lure in over twenty years.

I repair the hard baits I have or build new ones, including whittling, sanding, filing, etc. Screw that airbrush stuff, they look fake to me ='s no confidence in them. Hand paint with cheap water based and spray with three coats of clear water proof. I can spend hours that turn into days which turn into weeks making just a few lures. Do my own testing with color schemes etc..

All things being equal, and they never are :facepalm: :lol: it boils down to presentation. Maybe it's because "I" have confidence in the lures I make? but if I were into competition, I would pit my lures against anything store bought on a given day. But that's not what it's about to me. Do what I enjoy and enjoy what I do. This smart alec once told me, "if you're bored, you might be boring!!" :brick: can i say I was homicidal for a minute!! :lol:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
can't edit my last post for some reason? Not saying people keeping big ones isn't the problem where you're fishing, I wouldn't know.

and now remember I have bought a few spinner baits from time to time.


Dec 8, 2011
Small Bass are usually the direct result of everyone keeping all the big ones!

I agree to an extent...we need to cull alot of the smaller ones in order for there to be enough bait fish to help the strain of larger fish to continue to grow...:eagerness:

S.A. Baker

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 9, 2015
Oh yeah... Have already been into the lure repair and refurbish scene! And the reel cleaning and lubing, and the rod maintainence.....I'm still fishing with some lures and tackle I bought as a kid!... and that was looong ago! ;)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Oh yeah... Have already been into the lure repair and refurbish scene! And the reel cleaning and lubing, and the rod maintainence.....I'm still fishing with some lures and tackle I bought as a kid!... and that was looong ago! ;)
was that when Columbus came over? :lol:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
definition of fishing; a jerk on one end waiting for a jerk on the other! lol I fit that sometimes :tape:
Last edited:

S.A. Baker

Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 9, 2015
No!... It was the fifties! ;) .... These new fish have never seen these "old" lures! They are murder on these new millennium fish! Lazy Ikes,Bass Orenos, old Heddons,Creek Chubs.. etc. back when they were all made of wood!