The world wide Left in Mexico....


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

matbe they got advice from the DNC? Just a thought.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

The language is the only difference. Their motives, tactics, and morals are the same wherever you go.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

Commies at our front door!
Maybe we should call our troops home....
Nah!, let 'em have a civil war.....
It might reduce the flow of illegal immigrants! ;).....JK


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

Haut said:
Nah!, let 'em have a civil war.....
It might reduce the flow of illegal immigrants! ;).....JK

Or increase the number of refugees:%:%


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

good thing about 12footer is he always knows the morals and principles of party's around the world.
so it too 2 months for the mexies to do what the rehubs did in 35 days. why is that an issue?
seems the leading international election officilas saw it as fair,same as they did in Venezuela a year or so ago.
are you saying the morals of the mexican people are bad? the venezuelan morals are bad? or any one without fundi babtist morals are bad ?
12footer, how much time have you actually spent outconus chatting with locals ?


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

Now,now Rodbolt ease off.
You more than most people should know that Boomie learned the truth while sitting at the knees of Senator McCarthy and John Birch, I think that Jim Crow may have been there too.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

rodbolt said:
12footer, how much time have you actually spent outconus chatting with locals ?

12 Ft'r didn't need to rb. He wasn't talking about the Mexicans or Venezualans per se. He was talking about the Left. They are timeless and universal. They all fed at the same trough as Lenin and Trotske. Only by a few degrees do they differ.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

Only to a true "Reich Winger!" ;)


Apr 21, 2004
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

Frankly, that is the stuff that revolutions and coups are made of, and it concerns me just a little.

Whenever one side feels they have all the answers, and have a lock on the truth, and their opponents are the very face of evil, it is dangerous times.

The hallmark of democracy is the peaceful transfer of power, which is a relatively new concept in the course of human history.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

democracy is a relativly new concept in human development.
but I cannot for the life of me see why a semi-socialist govt in latin america is a threat to the US. I mean look at all the offensive military capeabilities of latin america.
if they wish to be a socialist govt and spead their oil money to all levels of their society why is that such a bad thing ?
after visiting Venezuela for about 5 years I dont see why the current administration is so heckbent on isolating our oil supply from latin america. VE is 90 some odd percent christian. I dont like all of Chavez's policies and govt corruption is rampant.
however he has done a great deal with the countries oil money to assist the poor.
most here in america have never seen poor.
I had never seen poor until I started visiting Venezuela.
my sister described her time in Hati as a nurse/missionary as even worse.
but if the country desires a more socialist govt and does not go on an offensive military buildup I cannot see how it will affect my status here in the states.


Jun 19, 2005
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

I agree with 12footer. Here in socialist NY, the annual income is above average, So is the number of poor people. The goal of the leftists is to create more poor people so the leftist leaders can assume more power. It's a sytem that works very well in Cuba, Viet Nam, China, North Korea, and now France.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

Yep, sorry ole Castro. The population of Cuba has gone from Batista at 27% literate to now 95% literate. This does not work throughout the world but you might find that the Arab countries, not communist have the similarities to the Batista era.

This is why it is imperative that we continue to have a middle class of educated people with the ability to move upward in society. As the middle class is depressed we choke off the upward flow and will fall into a state where opportunist and communist can get the support of the masses and overthrow our government.

The USA can only exist as a government by and for the PEOPLE not corporations. If we do not recognize this and continue to depress the middle class we will find ourselves to be another failed Democracy (ok JB Republic).

And as for the name calling: Left/liberals called communist means that the person would consider those on the right to be Nazi's. This is simply not a correct anology and used only to enflame hatred.


May 25, 2003
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

txswinner said:
And as for the name calling: Left/liberals called communist means that the person would consider those on the right to be Nazi's. This is simply not a correct anology and used only to enflame hatred.

That is why I usually stay out of the political posts.

Very few can have a "discussion" without the name-calling and "My way is the one and only way" attitude.

AK Chappy


Apr 21, 2004
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

rodbolt said:
democracy is a relativly new concept in human development.
but I cannot for the life of me see why a semi-socialist govt in latin america is a threat to the US. I mean look at all the offensive military capeabilities of latin america.
if they wish to be a socialist govt and spead their oil money to all levels of their society why is that such a bad thing ?
after visiting Venezuela for about 5 years I dont see why the current administration is so heckbent on isolating our oil supply from latin america. VE is 90 some odd percent christian. I dont like all of Chavez's policies and govt corruption is rampant.
however he has done a great deal with the countries oil money to assist the poor.
most here in america have never seen poor.
I had never seen poor until I started visiting Venezuela.
my sister described her time in Hati as a nurse/missionary as even worse.
but if the country desires a more socialist govt and does not go on an offensive military buildup I cannot see how it will affect my status here in the states.

I don't necessarily think it is a bad thing.

Communism generally has not shown to be an effective economic structure for growth and development, but with all that oil revenue, who cares?

I was specifically commenting on the political dialogue coming from either extreme of the political spectrum, and the inhertent danger of rabid political discourse that seems so prevalent today, and not only in third world countries.

And oil revenues that are fed by the developed world don't do the developing world any favors, when with $70 /barrel crude prices you can darn near make any political and economic system appear to be effective.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

That is twice you agree with me AK, I need your address for a Hillary bumper sticker.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

socialism,like communism, wont survive economically on its own for long.
so while the idiots there are ranting why dont our policies assist the actual people?
we have a large population of student exchange workers every year on the outer banks.
I normally have at least 2 from eastern europe/russia each year since about 97.
some dont even remember a cold war.
one I stay in touch with, her father and myself trained to kill each other in our respective navies for many years.
but by having these college students most have learned the propaganda they heard about the west was just that.
while all of them are homesick and ready to go home by september,all wish there country was more like ours.
the key is not to beat them into submission but show them how a better life for them and their kids is possible.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: The world wide Left in Mexico....

I don't necessarily think it is a bad thing.
Communism generally has not shown to be an effective economic structure for growth and development, but with all that oil revenue, who cares?
Now that is scary!