I took after the CMC project today, said heck with it I'm putting it on. It wasn't easy as there were several measurements that had to all be square with each other. Then there was the drilling into a transom that was without a single hole in it. Used the drill guide so the holes would go through square, starting with 1/4, 3/8 and finally the 1/2" bit as to keep things square and the chipping to a minimum on the inside wood.
I picked up a lower and the upper washer plate made by CMC from extruded AL, all the others are cast AL. Yeah the top one was turned around backwards so I don't have to see their advertisement. :lol:
The holes were generously coated with 5200 and a small bead on the outside of the holes. 4 new 1/2" dia x 3.5" long SS bolts, nylocs and flat washers anchored the unit..
I do have some more work to do like cutting an extruded 1/2" plate of AL to go below the attachment for a clamp on type motor like the 79 TOP and drilling the lower motor mount holes.
The glass company didn't get me the replacement window on time like they said so still waiting on it. I had hoped to be able to get the WS on this weekend.
Hope everyone who has thanksgiving had a nice holiday weekend.