I got my new Minn Kota Riptide Ulterra installed.........
But before I could use it, my 30 year old Evinrude V4 90 developed a overheating problem. Apparently a previous owner neglected to flush the motor after use in salt water and the diverters in the engine block are corroded.....and the bolts are seized.....
Time to repower!
My Sea Nymph is at the Evinrude dealer now getting the transom redone and this installed:
Evinrude is running a special: If I purchase before March 31st I get a 10 year parts and labor warranty. :joyous:
The 115 E-Tec is actually a de-rated 130 that peaks at 128hp at WOT. My old 90 with a beat up aluminum prop pushed my SN a little over 39mph, I can't wait to see what the 115 with a SS prop will do! Since my SN is rated up to a 140hp I was tempted to go with the 135 HO, which is actually a 150.....but I decided that would likely be scary fast.