the new guy with a starcraft


Jun 23, 2010
hey guys, ive been lurking on this site for a few days and finally made the plunge and registerd. On fathers day my dad surprised me with an amazing gift, a 1961-62..hes not sure... starcraft. This boat started life as my great grandfathers boat that he ran from about 66 to 1998 when he died of cancer. The boat was given to my dad via the will. We gutted the rotted interior and made a floor and installed some seats. Just about the time we finished it my grandfather called and asked if my dad would give it his brother in law since they had just bought a camp and needed a boat. My dads intention was to give it to me but being i was young and really didnt care alot about the boat i said my uncle could have it. My uncle killed the original 40 johnson from the early 60's, cut holes in the dash for cig lighters and a radio and several other things and left it very sat idle for a few years after he bought a bigger boat and several failed attempts to sell it. He called my dad and said if he wanted the boat back it was his. Of course my dad jumped at the oppurtunity to have it back and retrieved it a few days before fathers day. He found it very neglected with leaking rivets and a rotted carpet we had installed many yeays earlier. He always knew i regreted giving away the boat and on fathers day he decided to give it back to me with one stipulation....never to sell it and to one day pass it on...considering the boats been in my family for around 40 years.
I need to tear up and restore some things to make it water worthy again which is why ill need a little help now and then so hopefully you guys can point me in the right direction. Ill have photos tomorrow but my first big question is about the leaking rivets. My uncle used a few nuts and bolts with silicone but it never worked. Can i replace the rivets and if so how can i go about doing it...where to buy rivets, tools required etc.....any help is much appreciated.......thanks matt


Jul 27, 2009
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

Welcome to the SC owners place. Pics will help us to see what you are facing. Look forward to seeing them. That family ownership line is great.


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 13, 2009
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

Welcome !!

For Rivets and Tools you can look here, you will also want to get some Gluvit ( posted elsewhere on this forum )

I also suggest doing some searching and reading on here for ideas on how to best redo the boat. You'll find some good help over in the engine forums to..

Good luck !!!

Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

Glad to know the boat is in good hands again:)

Looking forward to seeing some photos. What is the length/model?

Make sure you don't put any treated lumber in the rig as it is bad for aluminum. The gluvit is a great product for preventing leaks, a must have in my opinion.

Good luck to ya!


Jul 27, 2009
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

I don't think all that aluminum bracing/framing at the transom is original, at least I have never seen it before. Usually there is a splash well there.


Jun 23, 2010
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

i honestly couldnt tell you if that is priginal or something added on. I believe the boat is a 61 starcraft jet....i very well could be wrong on the model. I stopped at a few boat dealers today after removing the floors and asked about the rivets and replacing them....they all pretty much laughed at me and said good guy suggested welding them but ill keep that as a last resort. Im going to order some gluvit and try that first, do you think ill need a full gallon if i were to only do the riveted sections and not the full boat? 46 bucks....121 bucks which one


Lieutenant Commander
Apr 5, 2009
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

I just tonight Put glovit on the interior of my 16 supersport 2 coats and had a 1/4 to 1/2 quart left over. I quart will do nicly I Boats back east or West Marine has it in stock right at $ 60 a quart. I did every rivit at or below the water line and the complete Bow,.


Sep 22, 2008
Re: the new guy with a starcraft 2/

well here she is guys, took some photos today of how she was and the initial tear down...found a bunch of leaking rivets, i think ive got my work cut out for me.....

i have a 1961 starcraft jupiter that had a number of rivets leaking and some i just did not like the looks of i replaced about 50 of them by drill then out with a 3/16 drill bit and using 3/16 closed end pop rivet and not even one of them leaked after and are holding up great


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 24, 2010
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

Nice recovery Matt, Mine was in similiar condition when I got it and it looked like I was in over my head. I had a lot of fun fixing it up and there was no family attachment to my mess. The fact that it's your Great Grandfathers rig will make every improvement prideful. A memeber only a short while here myself I've benefitted from info., advice, parts, encouragement and an invitation to Va. You've come to the right place to start the restore. Good Luck - Hoss


Jul 27, 2009
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

i honestly couldnt tell you if that is original or something added on. I believe the boat is a 61 starcraft jet....i very well could be wrong on the model.

Could be. There are some similarities to mine. The U shaped seat brackets on the hull and the holes on the gunnels for seat brace brackets are there. Those 2 sets would make it a Jet, not Jet Star. One thing though, if there is one original transom knee bracket that puts it later in the 60's. Mine has 3. The unusual bracing I noted before hides what might have been original. And if the flat floor was original that would put it later too.

Another difference is the rib design. Could be they just do not show up well in the pics. At the keel line mine has well defined limber holes. Those provide drainage to the stern.


Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

I stopped at a few boat dealers today after removing the floors and asked about the rivets and replacing them....they all pretty much laughed at me and said good luck..

Probably because all they want to do is sell new boats and folks like us don't buy new boats:)

I replaced about 10 original thru-hull rivets on my SS and none have leaked yet. It was pretty easy(hand rivet tool) and I used some 3M 5200 on the rivets to make sure they would be sealed.

Drive the rig back to those same dealers after you are done with the project and show them what a restored gem looks like:D

Rick K

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 6, 2003
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

Welcome Matt,
I'll be darned, another JET!!! Looks like your ID Plate is by the port side steering rope. Can you make anything out on it? Mine's a '61 and has the 3 knee braces and the limber holes as Banannaboater says.

You're gonna love this boat! Super easy to work on, many different things to customize it, etc. And definately take that restored baby back to those dealers and show 'em what for.

I noticed your windshield was in pretty bad shape. Get yourself some Novus Cleaner and it'll clean up like new. Not sure how your other windshield hardware is (gasket and mounting brackets) but they should be available here at iboats. If not, PM me, I might have enough brackets laying around (I've switched windshields 3 times) that I can just send you.

Good luck!


Jun 23, 2010
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

thanks for the offer, ill keep it in mind if i cant clean it up. wheres the best place to buy some of those closed end rivets? they look like 3/16 ??? is the jet an uncommon boat?
Im on a long week at work...7days straight so i wont be able to work on the boat until next friday...awww its still at my fathers which is about 90 miles north of me.

Rick K

Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 6, 2003
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

7 days straight so i wont be able to work on the boat until next friday...awww its still at my fathers which is about 90 miles north of me.

7 days without working on the boat?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :eek::eek::eek: I'd lose my mind!!! :D I know how it is though. I'd work all day, come home, eat, and change into my work clothes as I was walking out the door to the boat... And I got 3 of 'em I'm working on. So, first thing's first. Get the living room cleared out...

The Jet was pretty common. What's nice about all these Starcrafts, is that they can be just about destroyed and be brought back to life with a lot of elbow grease, and minimal expenditure of your hard earned cash.

I have my dad's, and he used it for fishing. He had more holes drilled in it for equipment than a ton of swiss cheese. I filled every single one, and just went on and on and on. Then painted it yellow. Then stripped it and painted it tan. Then stripped it again, and painted it red. Then this, and then that, and then finally the wife stepped in and pointed out that I was nuts. :p Then when I told her I was changing out transoms, she threatened divorce. I went to look at a Ski Champ up the street, and ever since then I haven't seen her around lately. Boy, it's been quiet...

Anyhow, I get all my fasteners from I changed out two rivets and used solid ones. Had a buddy hold a dolly hammer thing to the round side while I bashed it down with a big assed ball peen hammer.
Those were the only rivets I've ever had the miserable experience of replacing.

If you're gonna take it down to bare aluminum (you may not have to) you're gonna want to search the forums for "painting aluminum". Pretty straight forward, but you'll need to read it nevertheless.

The key is to read read read the forums. There are guys on here that do this stuff in their sleep and their projects are gorgeous. And the outboard motor forums are excellent as well.



Jun 23, 2010
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

hey guys, been away way to schedules have changed, death in the family, and on and on has given me zero time to do anything with the old boat.....finally have some time and plan on ordering parts soon.....


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 21, 2010
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

As you know (or soon will) the Starmada is with you....sorry about your loss. We're family and here when you need us.

Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

Hey welcome back, glad to hear you have time to work on the rig:)


Vice Admiral
Oct 4, 2008
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

Welcome to the SC owners place. Pics will help us to see what you are facing. Look forward to seeing them. That family ownership line is great.

I agree....except for it being in...Oh hell I will say it..The wrong hands for awhile!


Vice Admiral
Oct 4, 2008
Re: the new guy with a starcraft

hey guys, been away way to schedules have changed, death in the family, and on and on has given me zero time to do anything with the old boat.....finally have some time and plan on ordering parts soon.....


I just saw THIS post...My apologies..My best to you and yours on the loss..