So I'm talking with the son-in-law about how much his old car is costing him vs. a newer car. His current car, a 2000 midsize with a small V-8 and gets maybe 20 MPG if everything is in his favor. (Going down hill with a tail wind.) It's got north of 150K miles and all the usual stuff is starting to fail, an alternator last month, a starter before that, a tranny that isn't shifting so well, etc.
He is all for finding a bit newer vehicle, meaning something with less that 100K on the clock. My take, he's much better off finding something that is only a year or two old, (no more then 25K on the clock) with a transferable / extendable warranty and 30 MPG fuel economy. In fact, I could make a fair argument for buying brand new when they can be bought with zero interest on the loan amount.
He is all for finding a bit newer vehicle, meaning something with less that 100K on the clock. My take, he's much better off finding something that is only a year or two old, (no more then 25K on the clock) with a transferable / extendable warranty and 30 MPG fuel economy. In fact, I could make a fair argument for buying brand new when they can be bought with zero interest on the loan amount.