TEXAS MAID Serial Number List??


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 24, 2012

I've acquired a 14 foot TEXAS MAID finned runabout that the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department has titled as a 1961 model.
(I'm convinced that the TP&WD has about as much INCORRECT year data as they do CORRECT.)

Unfortunately, I cannot determine for sure which year or model the little finned hull is. - I suspect that it's either an OSPREY or a FALCON but am unsure of that info, too.

Therefore, does anyone have a by year serial number list for the 1957-65 era, so that I can correctly match the hull's year with an appropriate Johnnyrude OB and figure out for sure what I have?

The serial number on the hull: 6622232.

THANKS for reading this message.

yours, satx