Re: Texas Maid or Lone Star???
Well, after finding a Texas Maid logo decal online, I went out to check the fin shapes and a few other things to compare with a 60's model I found online and that is when I found it...
A faint outline of an old sticker decal on the passenger side of the boat that had been painted over. It looks like it was peeled off and they painted over the glue residue. I found it to be the exact same shape of the Texas Maid logo decal.
Also, I seen on that other boat that the steering wheel was on the right and there was a manufacturer's VIN plate on the other side of the dash. On my boat, there is another hole in the dash with plywood behind it under the dash. Meaning, I can install the steering wheel on either side. There is also a duplicate controls mounting bracket on the left side as well. The manufacturer installed the VIN plate over that second hole and mine is missing.
Yeah! I now know what my boat is now. The boat is in great shape and only has a few dents in it and they are all in a place where the dents can be removed easily. All the original chrome parts and handles are still there too. But the wind blew my windshield off the boat (it was just sitting on top) and it broke in half when it hit the ground... As Homer says, DOE!!!!!!
My plans...
1) Remove all chrome parts and have them re-chromed.
2) Find a new windshield, hopefully from a company who can make one to match the factory windshield.
3) Bead-blast all the paint off the boat down to bare aluminum and remove the few dents that are on the side of the hull.
4) Paint the boat inside and out.
5) Move the steering and controls over to the left side of the boat (just to be different).
6) Install 3/4" closed cell foam from Lowe's or Home Depot on the floor between all the ribs to get a new smooth floor surface and still allow water to flow under it. Then install 3/8" marine grade plywood over the new foam covered floor, screwed down to the ribs so that the plywood will hold the curved shape of the floor. Then carpet over that. This is what I did in all my Jon boats and it works great and lasts forever.
7) Re-wire the whole boat.
8) Install a dash-mounted stereo system.
9) Install a full seal-back on the rear seat, the seat back will be the front wall of a new enclosure behind the seat to house the battery, fuel tank and additional storage for life jackets and such. This new enclosure will also have a hinged lid.
10) Install 2 new swivel front seats. The existing 2 seats are way too big for this boat.
11) Buy a new Mercury engine and install new controls.
12) Bead-blast the trailer, paint it, install new pads and rollers to match the hull of this boat and install new fenders.
Well, that is it for now. If anyone knows of a company who re-manufacturers classic windshields, please let me know. I only found 1 shop online so far and they run around $400 which isn't too bad considering.
Scott Moore