A test forum was put up many weeks before V5 was rolled out. The mods and admin staff were given instruction... "go break it".. We tried and a few issues came up, but because of the size of iboats live forum we just couldn't simulate what would happen when it was sent live... We are working at maximum velocity on trying to get things stabilised and back to a 'normal' state of affairs.
Obvious serious problems, like database errors and pictures not working will be priorities. Things like post counts, mods and admins titles and 'cosmetics' (like the position of a button :facepalm
are very minor issues... Personally I think we should all cool it and let the IT team deal with the biggies before hounding them with minor details, like post counts. iboats is committed to the forums, having bought considerable amounts of new hardware to accommodate the new software... It just takes time for the new software to become familiar (and what we have here is nothing. Remember the change from Windows XP to 7, or from 7 to 8 for that matter....)... We live in times of change, and we are going to be dragged along with that change (some of us kicking and screaming), regardless of whether we like it or not. So, let's all just settle down and let things happen, and not distract the people trying so hard to keep everybody happy.
Post counts... :facepalm: