tendonitis in shoulder


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Do you sleep on your side with your arm under the pillow? If so stop it.

Good advise and make sure you are not carrying a wallet in your back pocket, it is amazing how much those two things will change the pain!
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Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Do you happen to smoke? Smoking prevents your body from healing injuries like this by over 50% because smoking severely reduces blood flow .

nope haven't smoked in over 10 years.

Thal: yep I think that may have been what started this. been working on different sleeping positions since

MT: I hear you

South: I looked it up locally, may just give it a shot.

The pain has subsided quite a bit the last couple days. Still feels like someone is holding my tricep/upper arm in a vise grip but at least now it doesn't feel like a pit bull is doing a death shake on it when I move. LOL.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Tedonitis and bursitis can coexist. I have an impingement issue on the front of my right shoulder that I understand is the cause of both. Sometimes it hurts like an SOB, other times it hurts just a little, and sometimes it doesn't bother me. I've mostly learned what aggravates it and try to avoid those things. This has worked pretty well for several years and I will happily accept this arrangement provided it doesn't lead to catastrophic damage later, which I don't think it will. Time will tell (I'm only 42). I've been participating in Crossfit for about three months and have had no issues thus far.

I have also experienced bursitis and tendonitis on the top of the right elbow joint. That's very painful with noticeable inflammation of the bursa but generally subsides to the point that I don't even feel it for months. I find NSAIDs and ice helpful as well as topical rubs, the smellier the better, although the admiral won't let me in bed if I've just applied it. Something else I've found effective is a TENS unit. These can often be purchased through health insurance plans at little out of pocket cost I'm told. I've never bought one but have considered it.

Hang in there bud. Based on your description of the symptoms it sounds like something that will improve on its own if allowed to, but it's never a bad idea to get something like that checked out. Might head something worse off at the pass.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
I have two tens units and they do work, but you can also over use them, I have been using mine since the early 90's and they are effective, but it is best to speak with a doc or nurse practitioner to understand what they do and the best placement to work with the specific nerve groups that need targeting, if used improperly, they can damage as well and cause worse pain, I know when I misplace mine, watch out, you know it right away.

You can actually purchase them now a days at walmart and most pharmacies.
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Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
yeah mine is usally very tolerable. only getting slightly aggravated if I greatly overdo it. not sure what a tens unit is, sounds like an electrical unit type thing. may look it up, but would prefer to just allow it to go it's course.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
yeah mine is usally very tolerable. only getting slightly aggravated if I greatly overdo it. not sure what a tens unit is, sounds like an electrical unit type thing. may look it up, but would prefer to just allow it to go it's course.
Did you ever have a shoulder injury when you were younger? Like I said before, I had one and my shoulder never really bothered me till I got older when the scar tissue from previous injury or injuries started rubbing areas where they never rubbed before.


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
Did you ever have a shoulder injury when you were younger? Like I said before, I had one and my shoulder never really bothered me till I got older when the scar tissue from previous injury or injuries started rubbing areas where they never rubbed before.
not specifically. although I have stretched it out a couple times previously, light stuff though. just the old "more work/play whatever than I'm used to" at one time.


Jul 28, 2009
My chiropractor told me one of my tendons was bad. He showed me a couple of exercises that have helped a lot. I can now move the arm quickly and above my head again. It took many many months.

The Basic exercises are here - http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/PDFs/Rehab_Shoulder_5.pdf

Get the right diagnosis and find the right exercises. If it hurts don't do it.

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
I had bad tendinitis in my elbow. Ibuprofen, helped, but it required cortisone shots and rest (i.e., not using the affected area at ALL) for several weeks before it went away. My doc told me the problem is often that folks start using the affected area too soon and just re-inflame the tendons. Tendons seem to heal slowly... Took me a couple of months before it feel normal again.

I have the same recurring issue with my elbow, and every time I overdue it, I will end up hurting for 1-2 weeks as it heals. If I don't let it rest, I pay dearly.
My shoulder has been in surgery twice, I had to give up my life style of water skiing, snow skiing, jet skiing, basically any impact type sports are no longer in my bag. It was tough to accept, but taking meds or shots of cortisone only mask the issue, and to me, I felt I was still damaging my body if I continued. It's worth learning from a doctor what your pain is coming from, you may be able to fix it with physical therapy. Getting surgery is no fun, but they may be able to fix you right up too.