This one here is my pride and joy! She was born just about a year ago. Shes a Bateau design "FL12". Built this last year with my brother over the summer as a fun project to do in our spare time. Took just about 50 hrs to build and spent more money than we'll ever get out of her lol. But thats what happend when you love your hobbies. I matted her with a 1961 British Seagull Silver Century 4 hp outboard. Their a perfect match!
Picture is of my brother and I on her maiden voyage, Im at the helm and my brother is the one holding on for dear life =) Neither one of us really had any idea if she'd make it back to the ramp or not, hence her name "SS Hope it Floats" =) But she is a fine vessel and we've cought plenty of fish on her, some almost as big as she is!