Swearing and cussing for no reason?


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

If your kids text and use Facebook/social media, you would blush at the language. The media and entertain culture is constantly exposing kids to the language and sassy attitudes.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 21, 2009
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

I got home after the first year in the military, mom served a big supper, and out of my mouth pops "hey Mom pass the @#$%!# potatoes"


Still get reminded of that every so often. :facepalm: :eek:


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 20, 2012
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

First, I admit I am not a saint. When I hurt myself I'm the first one to let loose with a few choice words but what is with this thing lately of people throwing in a cuss word or two in every sentence? Especially around small kids?

Had to go over to the coop today and there were two guys talking and every fourth was "F" this or that and "SOB" the other thing. There were three kids, none over 8 or 9 standing there and these two guys had no clue that their language was offensive until their father said something and then they looked indignant at being told about it.

I don't get it...

Excluding the occasional slip. Dropping the f bomb or using profanity every other word is just a sign that the person, unfortunately, has no other vocabulary with which to draw on. A sad commentary on today's society and it seems to be getting worse.:facepalm:


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

I use to use colorful language in my daily conversation as did everyone I worked or hung around with. But as we got older and children became part of the picture that changed.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

I got home after the first year in the military, mom served a big supper, and out of my mouth pops "hey Mom pass the @#$%!# potatoes"
That's funny.

Many of my friends are more toward the "prudish" side as I am. One of them tells the story of their little girl (about 7 at the time) blasting out the word "damn" at the dinner table one night. These folks are stunned, but can't figure out where the devil this word came from - they are careful with TV, Dad minds his Ps & Qs pretty well, no close friends with sailors disease - so no real punishment; let's just figure this out.

After a few minutes of inquiry, they find out she learned the word watching Little House on the Prairie re-runs.

Whaddyado with that? :D


Jul 20, 2008
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

I'll admit. I cuss bad, worse than a sailor. However it comes with a switch with me. I've been complimented how I can just turn that attitude off and on. Cussing, and cussing well, only 2 minutes to walk into a business setting and be totally professional.

I grew up with a steelworker as a father, they invent cuss words as a hobby. Now that I'm in sales, many of the factories, particularly the steel mills I visit, cussing is the way they talk. Literally, you can walk into a room and be greeted with F-U as a sign of endearment. You pick up on that kind of stuff when you're around it all day, and start to use it, it's almost a sign off trust, a right of passage if you will.

I wish I could share some of the conversations I've been involved in, even just a few from today alone. They would most likely get me banned however.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 26, 2007
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

I don't recall cussing too much as a teenager. I joined the Navy and it seemed like I was cussing all the time in my 20's. I started to temper my bad language in my 30's and I rarely cuss now in my 60's. It took a very conscious effort to get to where I am. I suspect a lot of what you hear is age-related. On the other hand, I do think there's a coarsening of nearly everything in our society these days, much of which is promoted in reality shows.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

Excluding the occasional slip. Dropping the f bomb or using profanity every other word is just a sign that the person, unfortunately, has no other vocabulary with which to draw on. A sad commentary on today's society and it seems to be getting worse.:facepalm:
+1 ....strong correlation between the use of profanity and one's IQ


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

Working in construction needless to say I hear just about anything imaginable . We work in hospitals behind temporary dust partitions all the time . I have to constantly remind my guys to tone it down and watch what they say . Mostly the young guys but I too have to catch myself every now and then . :facepalm: If the wrong person hears it. You can get run off real quick !


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 20, 2012
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

Working in construction needless to say I hear just about anything imaginable . We work in hospitals behind temporary dust partitions all the time . I have to constantly remind my guys to tone it down and watch what they say . Mostly the young guys but I too have to catch myself every now and then . :facepalm: If the wrong person hears it. You can get run off real quick !

Only cops worse than moderator cops are the hospital cops! :mod::spy::mod::spy::lol:

greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

I always looked at it as someone who had to use words that were considered dirty or coarse were people who lacked creativity or education (or both). I mean, stop and think of all the other ways you can say something without being coarse? Be creative. Both my wife and I have stopped people at the next table in a restaurant, or in a public place, and reminded them that our daughter was within ear shot of them and to please use creativity in your adjectives, not profanity. Usually after a blank stare, they get it and move on.

I wasn't too sure with 2 military guys after my wife talked to them. I didn't know if they were going to start to cry because they might have offended a young girl, or if they were going to take a swing at my wife for offending them! They did regain their composure, apologize, and move on in their conversation without every other word being the f-bomb.

I think I agree with you on this issue. Swearing is quite honestly the 2nd lowest form of communication there is. Using physical force would be first, and both really just define your intelligence or lack of. Breaking that habit isn't terribly hard either, all one needs to do is "care" about what/how others view them as. There is a time and a place for everything, knowing those places is also important.
Sep 23, 2010
Re: Swearing and cussing for no reason?

+1 ....strong correlation between the use of profanity and one's IQ

That is so not true. I know many people with low IQs that do not curse and many people with high IQs that do. I for one...not bragging...was a member of Mensa at one time and I curse like a sailor depending on the situation. Perhaps it's a measure of one's IQ as to whether or not they can control their behavior? I don't believe there is a socio-linguistic/sociological study to suggest there is any link between IQ and an individual’s decision to swear.