I bought a 17' Sea Nymph just before Xmas with a 1986 Suzuki DT140. We have used the boat alot over the holidays; fishing, trolling and towing the kids around on various pieces of equipment (it's summer here in New Zealand). I see on this forum that Suzuki gets alot of bad press, but so far I can't fault the motor, starts first time hot or cold and runs smooth and quiet.<br /><br />However, it has a water level sensor (a float switch mounted near the top cylinder) that is not mentioned in the manual (which refers to an over temp and low oil alarm. I checked it was a float switch by removing it.<br /><br />When the motor is started, hot or cold, the alarm sounds for 5-10 seconds if left at idle (It is happy to start and run from cold with choke but no throttle). The prevoius owner, who had the boat since new, says it always did this. Can anyone confirm this is normal behaviour please? He says he replaced the impellor about 5 years ago.<br /><br />Thanks for your help.