Bearing carrier with bearings and seals is not expensive.-----So it must come out first.---Get it out.----Drill it to weaken it.----Split it in say 4 places with a Dremel and save the gear housing from brute force.
Op is in the Philippines , everything has to be shipped in, duties have to be paid and the exchange rate needs to be considered ,also, depending on availability it could take a month or longer to get it landed and who knows how long till the actual part is in his hands.
i don't the price or availability here in Australia but depending , it may work out for the OP do do as you suggest too drill / hack it out and have one shipped from a dealer network here.
i remember back when i shipped parts to a fellow on an island there , the killer was the duties, however it still worked out more viable for him to buy used from me and have them shipped.