submerged boat???

Jun 27, 2006
hi guys,
i seen alot of sales here lately on boats that was submerged by katrina. some boats were completely submerged. some boats were not. my quesuion is this.. if a boat was completely submerged will the floor and transom eventually show signs of damage from water exposure?also once and engine is submerged and seized is there apossiblity that one could fix it or get it moving again without rebuild? thanks for help


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: submerged boat???

a completely submerged boat means it sunk completely. thus water got to the floatation area, 90% of the time the floatation will absorb the water thus eventually causeing floor, stringer, and transom problems. with as much salt water that was in that region. i would not touch a submerged engine. a submerged engine need IMMEDIATE attention to save it. in 24 hours salt water will ruin every electrical component, as far as the Katrina boats the prices have also indicated the condition. want a cheap boat to last 2-5 seasons go for it, the it will be time to go ahead and pay for it in repairs, on find another,