Re: stuck water pump impeller shaft
Without seeing your motor, I'm only guessing, however, there are several tricks that mechanics use.<br />1. Patience!!! Haste makes waste.<br />2. Penetrating oil. requires time so that it soaks in. Kano Aerokroil aerosol can being my brand of choice. (615) 833-4101 order direct over the phone.<br />3. Impact wrench whenever possible. This prevents bolts from twisting off.<br />4. Air-powered chisel.<br />5. Heat up the part with a propane or acetylene torch and then put a piece of parafin (used for canning) against the joint, melting the parafin and allowing the fumes to enter the joint.<br />6. Last but far from least. the blue tipped wrench, AKA the acetylene torch. This tool requires common sense and care, as it can do more damege than good when used improperly. Get the part heated up till it's orange and then quickly use an impact wrench, impact chisel or hammer and chisel. Hope this helps.