Re: Stringer rot repair?
I myself had not use the epoxy that you are talking about.I had ran into people that has.The big thing is,that the stringer wood must be dry.I don't thing that will be the case in most boats.<br /> I am in the process of replacing a stringer in my boat.For some reason that only one stringer is bad.First,I had cut the top off,leaving all of the sides of the fiberglass.After,I dug out the wood.Sanded tops,inside and outsides.Washed everything and shopvac it.Now I am letting it dry for a few days.<br /> Next thing I will do is,mix some epoxy with some talcan power,to make a paste,then add hardner,pour it in,add a new piece of wood,use a 1"x4",screw it to the sides of the stringer,to pull the old fiberglass that was made up of the old stringer.Let that set up for a day or two,then come back and recap the stringers with more epoxy and 18 oz cloth(2)Overlapping all the way pass the old glass.<br />I had got some fiberglass cloth off ebay at a very good price.The cloth was around $3.25 per yard that is 60" wide,18 oz weight.Normaly it cost around $7.00 a yard.That was cost and shipping.<br /> If I knew how to post some pics,I would.