Stringer replacement opinion needed. Is it okay to use some original glass as tabs?

NC waterboy

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 6, 2006
I've removed a small amount of the stringer plywood and left the glass in place. I could do most of the stringer this way and it wouldn't be a big time saver but it would cut back on some grinding and fiberglass dust. Do you pros see any advantage or disadvantage to using the original glass as tabs for the new plywood? My thinking is to laminate the new ply then put a good coat of resin inside the existing glass using it as a form. Thanks in advance for your advice!


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Petty Officer 2nd Class
Dec 14, 2010
Re: Stringer replacement opinion needed. Is it okay to use some original glass as tab

Had a similar post a few days ago about this same subject.

The first option was to dig out all the wood and use seacast in place of wood.

The second option was to get rid of all the fiberglass because it would be difficult to get a good bond. If you go with this route, a thin grinder blade or a recip. saw makes life alot easier for getting out the stringer, but I feel your pain on the grinding and dust.


Jun 24, 2010
Re: Stringer replacement opinion needed. Is it okay to use some original glass as tab

With having a the glass shells intact Nida Bond or Seacast would work but since you have them cut down I would do a splice or scarf joint and glass in new wood. You can check my resto thread to see how I did mine.

NC waterboy

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 6, 2006
Re: Stringer replacement opinion needed. Is it okay to use some original glass as tab

The second option was to get rid of all the fiberglass because it would be difficult to get a good bond.

I was hoping since the stringers are 6" in height and if I were to leave 3'' of existing glass I could use some pl adhesive to bed and also bond the new ply in, followed with new glass as if there were none there. Basically using the old glass as a template.....but I asked for your opinion and I trust it! Thanks Much!

BTW- I'll be using this boat mainly to fish in your area! I hit the Roanoke River during striper season (not this year) but do most of my fishing from The QuarterDeck to Rose Bay....I just hope the specs make a come-back SOON!

NC waterboy

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 6, 2006
Re: Stringer replacement opinion needed. Is it okay to use some original glass as tab

Thanks rickryder! I would've loved to do the seacast but the glass wasnt in that great of shape the entire length of the stringer. Well, I tried to save my body a little irritation but it looks like it's time to do some grinding....

" it looks like it's time to do some grinding".... If a woman was involved I wouldn't be dreading that comment!


Jun 24, 2010
Re: Stringer replacement opinion needed. Is it okay to use some original glass as tab



Jun 28, 2010
Re: Stringer replacement opinion needed. Is it okay to use some original glass as tab

ive been wondering the same thing...because i could open up my stringer fiberglass and dig all the wood out...but then again i guess id rather do it right and be 100 percent certain that its going to last...would save alot of work though

NC waterboy

Seaman Apprentice
Apr 6, 2006
Re: Stringer replacement opinion needed. Is it okay to use some original glass as tab

ive been wondering the same thing...because i could open up my stringer fiberglass and dig all the wood out...but then again i guess id rather do it right and be 100 percent certain that its going to last...would save alot of work though

That's what I'm talk'n bout usarmyharley!
Plus the glass that's there on mine is 1/8" thick on each side. Although I'm putting new glass back I feel like I'm taking out good strength that I could save time and money on since the ply is mainly a core for the glass.

BUT.... rickryder has, obviously, done WAY more fiberglassing than I ever plan to do on just the one rebuild that he's got in his signature so I gotta take his word. Also, that time and money saved wouldn't do a man who died from drowning one bit of good! Best of luck with your project.