Re: Stringer question
I don't have too much to add to that.
The advice on keeping ply stringers off the hull is sound, you want to typically space the stringer off the hull with putty or poly adhesive. Use a 1/8 or so piece of plastic or wood to hold the gap while things harden, or better yet a small foam piece.
You should coat the entire stringer with epoxy. Penetrating epoxy is not something I'll probably use myself, unless someone can show that it protects better than the full strength stuff.
Most builders/repairers tab the stringers to the deck with 2 layers of 12 to 17 ounce glass, either roving or biaxial. Use mat-glass-mat-glass if you're using poly resin, and make sure the hull is very clean and ground down first.
Post pics here when you do this stuff and we'll comment