Was going to enlarge a drawer and ran into this.
Screwed myself. I was wondering if I cut the the top down flush to my cutout and glassed it back in if I would be compromising the integrety of the hull. It is about 24 wide. 3 inches on the right that have to be trimmed down. I cant see it being too big a deal but I am not even close to a pro. I really don't want to glass this lower section back in. Thanks.

Screwed myself. I was wondering if I cut the the top down flush to my cutout and glassed it back in if I would be compromising the integrety of the hull. It is about 24 wide. 3 inches on the right that have to be trimmed down. I cant see it being too big a deal but I am not even close to a pro. I really don't want to glass this lower section back in. Thanks.