Being this 30 HP a sinle carbed motor with a dual ignition coil you can connect an induction tach at any of both spark plug's cables, both will read the same wot rpm, sorry you're late, gun powder has been already discovered. If the tachs were way off moons back would have blown my Club's, friend's and my motors in pieces. All of them have installed tachs and runs maximized props to rev towards their respective max wot rpm ranges and slight over while pushing near fixed loads.
This is the real scenario better explained : . With fully warmed motor when the lever is put in forward operation at 1/2 throttle the motor will go br, br, br, if left at that fixed throttle position will clear itself in a few seconds and motor will rev up with no extra issues.
When goes br, br at 1/2 throttle, if applying more throtte the continued br, br will change dramatically to an eternal brrrrrrrrrrr,brrrrrrrr that motor won't clear. Have tested the motor with a new thermo installed and without it, same issues at both scenarios.
If the motor is run at full throttle for 1/2 hour and then come to a 2-3 min idle stop will begin doing that. Have retorqued the whole powerhead to specs with no avail. Tomarrow will test with a new ignition coil, hope i's the culprit and not a costly CDI. As said earlier electric components are not eternal and acccording to my experience an ignition coil will fail earlier than any other electrical component, doesn't matter if having a mint motor well cared for...
Happy Boating