Re: Stereo recommendation
Rnsi-It sounds to me like your working torn speakers is blown and your non working speakers has a totally burned voice coil. As for replacement speakers, most name brand speakers are either polypropylene, or have a polly coating of some sort, and are water resistant. I personally have 6.5's Panasonics. They are $25 per pair. I have been unimpressed with the marine speakers I have seen. From my experience, the marine speakers are overpriced and underperform. I have never, and will most likely never buy a pair of marine speakers. You can replace the auto stuff several times before you will pay for a set of marines, and speakers are very easy to replace. Four screws and two wires. But this is just my opinion. <br /><br />I would stay away from Craig, Pyramid, Alpfine, Sparkomatic <br /><br />I like Pioneer, Kenwood, Audiovox, Panasonic, Sony, Clarion<br /><br />The reason most speakers are water resistant today is back in the old days (the 80's) all the speakers were paper. You put a paper speaker in a car/truck door, it rains, the paper gets wet, speaker blows, and the blown speaker is sent back to the manufacture as a defect. Polly solves this problem.<br /><br />Something else, you want the wattage of the speaker to match the wattage of the stereo. For example, if your radio is a 40 watt radio, you want 80 speakers. A lower wattage speaker is more efficient, and will do more with less power. I cannot tell you how many times I tried to talk people out of buying 200 watt speakers to hook up to a 20 watt radio. Think of stereo wattage as horsepower and speaker wattage as pitch. <br /><br />I have no experience with MP3's, as I have been out of the industry for 6 years, and MP3's had yet to enter the market. <br /><br />BQMatt is correct about the balance/fader and you want to make sure they are not turned all the way to one side.<br /><br />I hope this helps