Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2010
Hey Guys

In these parts not too many Mariners left. So naturally I have had my eye open for a Mariner 180.

Recently I have seen a few adds for Sea Nymph Stripers for sale. Like the Mariner it's a Center Console boat. Now being uninformed I thought they were the same boat. However checking the specs on line <good idea before taking a road trip!> it appears the Striper has a wider beam. So much so that that the 17' Striper has a foot more beam then the Mariner 180 <18'>.

Could someone with first hand knowledge comment here.

Thank you!

Tommy D

Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

I know that our 1986 Sea Nymph 191(20 footer basically) had high sides and wide beam as if it were a 22' Starcraft Mariner.

The Schrock family sold Starcraft, then Started Sea Nymph, then sold it to Lowe and bought Starcraft back, so the hull design is identical except for some measurements like you reference.

It's too bad Sea Nymph got taken over by Lowe(and basically discontinued:() or else maybe they'd be more help to us as far as getting old brochures.


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2010
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

That's very interesting. The story line that is. Thank You for the education.

I was almost wondering if Sea Nymph used perhaps smaller center consoles on the striper line to give the appearance of more beam. I'm guessing not if both boats were made in different shops.

For some reason I thought most of these Tin Boats were made by the Gemnar Corp or something of that nature.

Tommy D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2010
Tommy if you call Lowe Boats they will email or fax you the old broshure on the 191 striper and the 171 . The center console is huge on the 191 not small. Much larger the the 22 mariner cc console. And it gives it a big boat feel! As you know. I love the striper!

Also the deadrise on the 21 mariner cc is much less then the striper. The striper is built better for ruffer water in my eyes . More like a ocean boat then a bay boat. The mariner has lower sides and is a wet boat my brother tells me! He has the 18 cc I have never been on it yet. But all I know is my 191 striper is a very dry ride. Even on ruff windy days! I also have a video on you tube of me and my 191 striper in the ocean on a very windy day with very large 12ft swells Not rollers but in the video you can see some waves were starting to roll

heres the you tube video


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 31, 2010
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

Back in the day Starcraft was nice enough to do the same with the Mariner. Guess boat shops are generally nice people. I can't see GM sending you out a free brochure for say a 1989 car model year!

As my memory serves me my bud had a 191 a while back. Not what I would call a dry ride. However it was so long before I had my 180 Mariner it could have been better.

Drove down memory lane yesterday. Right in the neighborhood where I used to live. Fellow down the street used to own my boats twin. Sure enough, parked in the same spot there she was! Almost got out and knocked on the door but sanity got the best of me!

Ill be upstate the next couple of weeks on and off. Who knows perhaps Ill see something that catches my eye up there? Though they don't prefer the CC upstate like we do on the Island.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2010
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

I know that our 1986 Sea Nymph 191(20 footer basically) had high sides and wide beam as if it were a 22' Starcraft Mariner.

The Schrock family sold Starcraft, then Started Sea Nymph, then sold it to Lowe and bought Starcraft back, so the hull design is identical except for some measurements like you reference.

It's too bad Sea Nymph got taken over by Lowe(and basically discontinued:() or else maybe they'd be more help to us as far as getting old brochures.

The hulls are not identical at all.

The seanymph is deeper 5 inches in the rear!

33 inches of freeboard in the resr of the seanymph and 36 in the front.

Only 28 inches of freeboard in the rear of the starcraft and only 24 in the front.

Also the deadrise on the seanymph is sharper then the starcraft. And also the front of the senymph does not have that large conjoining piece that the starcraft has at the bow. Also the seanymph has a larger deaper back splash well then the starcraft. and also the H.P rating I believe is higher on the seanymph!

Also the console on the seanymph is larger then the starcraft.

Not the same at all!

Although the 21cc starcraft did have alot more rear fishing space then the seanymph that 2 and a feet is nice. But I feal safer being on a seanymph and I wouldnt take a 21 starcraft offshore like I would the seanymph becuase of the side hight.

And the seanymph boats i have seen are in better condition then then starcrafts so im not sure if thats do to the quality of craftsmanship or the owners care but I like seanymph better then starcraft when it comes to the 18 cc starcraft and the 171 seanymph and the 191 cc seanymph and the 21 cc starcraft....


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 12, 2009
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

The hulls are not identical at all.

The seanymph is deeper 5 inches in the rear!

33 inches of freeboard in the resr of the seanymph and 36 in the front.

Only 28 inches of freeboard in the rear of the starcraft and only 24 in the front.

Also the deadrise on the seanymph is sharper then the starcraft. And also the front of the senymph does not have that large conjoining piece that the starcraft has at the bow. Also the seanymph has a larger deaper back splash well then the starcraft. and also the H.P rating I believe is higher on the seanymph!

Also the console on the seanymph is larger then the starcraft.

Not the same at all!

Although the 22 starcraft did have alot more rear fishing space then the seanymph that 2 and a half feet is nice. But I feal safer being on a seanymph and I wouldnt take a 22 starcraft offshore like I would the seanymph. And the seanymph boats i have seen are in better condition then the starcrafts so im not sure if thats do to the quality of craftsmanship or the owners care but I like seanymph better then starcraft when it comes to the 18 cc starcraft and the 171 seantnph and the 191 cc seanymph and the 22 cc starcraft....

Uhhh, believe what was posted was "hull design" not "hull's", also stated "except some measurements like you reference" Look up the definition of design, that's what dictionaries are for.

Second thing That's irking me, whats up with your constant strain to belittling Starcrafts...we get it, you like your SN, hooray for you... but this is {in case you haven't noticed} a sub-forum devoted to Starcrafts, take your third grade antics over to the sea nymph forum and rant all you want. Sheesh, stand down wind of yourself sometime bud, contrary to your belief, it does stink!

The OP was asking for knowledge of, if and or why there's a discrepancy, you added some dimensions, great, leave the other crap out of it if your truly trying to help.

To the OP...what year{s} are tweaking your interest...there is some variance in measurements/designs throughout the years.

North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

Yeah well they must have been really great boats. Ummmm, are they still in business? Oh yeah that's right, they were bought out by Lowes-the kmart of boat manufacturer's.

SNS, I understand that you're the number one sea nymph groupie here at iboats but I'm not so sold.

My thoughts are that the 18 & 21 foot starcrafts were designed with the semi V hull to make them faster than the deep V's. I also think they are better geared towards lake fishing-not off shore.

So the 22' Mariner 220V was set up specifically for big water and can be evidenced by the big dollars they typically sell for vs the lower dollars the Mariner 21's and 18's see when up for sale. With the deep V and additional chines for better ride in rough water the 220V is really the king of the 20 something off shore aluminum boats no matter how much you like the boat that you just happen to have. Rated for up to 240 HP and outboard only they are quite roomy with an 8 foot beam and 29" gunnels so you can still reach the water without having to teter on your beer gut on the gunnels.

I'm not tryin to break flame on ya here, it's just that this is the starcraft forum. I realize that there have only been about 3/4 of a page of posts over at the sea nymph forums and it gets a little lonely:p

Just seems to me if they were all that great of a boat, we'd see a few more of them except all the 12' rowboats over on the SN forums.

I'm not sayin you don't have a great boat there, but I'm also not biting off on a boat that saw very limited production and consequently went out of business in being the greatest thing since sliced bread.

One could presume that some of the changes when the starcraft folks sold starcraft and started making sea nymph was needed to keep in line with their presumed no compete agreement with the new owners of the starcraft name. Not necessarily some sort of genious design approach that came to them in a dream right smack in the middle of the period beginning when they sold starcraft and started up sea nymph.

All these posts on the starcraft threads about how great the Sea Nymph really isn't converting anyone. You see, there's a huge following of Starcraft folks here who know exactly what they have and most of them are really happy.

I seriously think you should sell that second string Sea Nymph and get yourself a good Starcraft:D

And btw, my cojoining peice is 44 years old and not experiencing any problems whatsoever. That Starcraft hull design was used for over 30 years and they were probably the most popular aluminum boat made.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2010
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

Guys are you kidding me? Relax.

I am just stating that they are not the same because they are not...

I did (NOT) put down your starcraft boats! What i did was state some differences which are a fact and true.

And also if i do like my seanymph that was after all designed by your all mighty powerfull grandfathered original owner/designer of starcraft so it basically is a starcraft!

Just a diff modified model and errered design!

And when seanymph was sold to lowe alot of seanymph designs were not included! Some designs were kept of the trading block including the cc models.

so the designs were the end of the cc models.

So I dont care if lowe is the kmart of boats. I do not assosiate lowe with seanymph like most people do just because they were sold out to lowe! Most designs werent just the plant and machines and some little designs.
They are not the same owner or company so i do not put them togeather.

Also I have said in several threads that I have had a hard time finding clean starcrafts which is true for me! (again not bashing starcraft)

It may be because they were used alot, or maybe because the ones i have seen where neglected etc... But its my opinion.

And you can down me and my boat all you want! But I am truly happy with my boat and its hull and design. And i am glad and proud to own her! Just as you are your starcraft!

Also i am not in any competition here. as it seems you are with me for some reason. Also tommy lives neer me and we are going to be going fishing togeather soon on my boat so he can see and decide for himself being that he was a previous 18 cc starcarft owner!

Also N.B i have owned 3 starcrafts in my life. 1 i just purchased and sold! FLIPED IT. It was a 73 bowryder. I dont really consider that owning 1 but it was mine for a week and took it out 1 time. I also owned a 16 stracraft bowryder that i converted to a CC....

And I also purchased a 21 recently that I have just gifted to my brother. And N.B I will be buying a very nice 26 starcraft islander :p:D:) and wil be converting it to a CC,

And the reason why I like that starcraft hull is the same reason why I love my seanymph becasue she has very deep gunnels and is high and dry!

So Guess what boys I will own both names seanymph and starcraft.

And you know what,,,, I don't care as much as you guys do about the name on the side. I care more about the demensions and quality rebuild and motors and equipment i have!

Further more i care more about using the boats as they were intended for.

And thats having fun and fishing, boating, crusing, beaching, fun with family and friends.....

So I really think you guys need to chill and relax and stop being so defencive especially to my posts!

Like a wolf trying to hunt his prey i tell you......! RELAX KILLERS!:)

I love all aluminum boats..... and boating and fishing

And thats what matters!

You see i don't want to go and order a plated boat because ultimatly that is what i want, But my family and kids come first and they are young.

So I instaed put money into funds for my kids future....

So What I am trying to do by rebuilding these boats is ultimatly (SAVING MONEY) I would love a pacific skiff 33 aluminum plated cc or a 26 cc....

But I think they are way overpriced as is all brand new cc boats i think...

So in the end fellas it comes down to what you like and enjoy and I do love my 191 seanymphstriper.... Now could i be happier with a different boat????? Yes

And thats why i will redesign and build a older 26 islander converted to a cc.... Because I dont want to flip the dough on a new plated cc

Because in the end i put my family first and boating second. I can have anything i want in life at anytime. (great credit) not saying im rich..... But like I said family first....

You guys are like pitbulls, twisting things i say into a negative thing with a negative responce..................too funny.....


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2010
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

And also this thread says """"" STARCRAFT MARINER VS SEANYMPH STRIPER"""

Not N.B and friends VS 191seanymphstriper....... Get it! I do own a seanymph striper and I do own a starcraft mariner and thats why i posted in this thread.

So if anyone should be posting here its me! And its not my thread!

And what i am posting is mear experience, fact and opinion!

instead of focusing on what I had said and my views and opinions you pitbulls are focusing on ME!

And thats not right!

You are actaully tearing threads down instead of adding to them unlike me!

And yes i may be the biggest fan of seanymph boats as of now!

But you are my biggest fan!



Lieutenant Commander
Jun 12, 2009
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

Bottom line is OP asked specifically for some info and you just had to throw in your 'often repeated' knocks on Starcraft...for someone who wasn't going to let words bother him, you sure seem to get worked up when called out. Stick to the thread and what you know, not what you feel.

Sorry TommyD, I know this doesn't answer your question, but this crap has got to stop. SNS is entitled to post, who knows maybe sometime he'll add something worth reading, but until he gets off his high horse and quits the subtle bashing, I'll call him on it, focus, as he calls it, as it doesn't add anything...much like this post...sorry once again!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 23, 2010
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

And gee N.B ??????????????? Diddnt you go out and buy a 21 cc starcraft to rebuild and then you kicked it to the curb to build your 22 cc conversion because you liked the fact that it had a higher bow and higher freeboard?????


So thats the reson why i like my seanymph striper so much. because it is in fact deeper then the 18 and 21 cc starcraft boats..... Which is the same reason why you have decided to rebuild a cuddy cabin starcraft into a center console because starcraft diddnt desigin a center console that had the freeboard and size you were looking for so your building your own

Well guess what my so called (K-MART) boat did build a center console with high bow and freeboard and i diddnt have to convert a darn thing!

So i guess in that manner seanymph was up one on the center console front with starcraft......... NOW AND THEN.... I have viewed the 220V starcraft and me seanymph still is a deeper boat then that starcraft made center console!

So the reson why i like and am a big fan of seanymph is the same reason why your rebuilding a starcraft!

Hull design!

And to the (TAG ALONG SPEED READER) I was adding to the threads questionssss..... Unlike you!


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 12, 2009
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

And to the (TAG ALONG SPEED READER) I was adding to the threads questionssss..... Unlike you!

And I merely pointed out that 'some' of what you posted was uncalled for & unnecessary!!!

& I don't think you want to start the name calling 'pal'...handle the criticism like a man...please!

Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

The hulls are not identical at all.

The seanymph is deeper 5 inches in the rear!

33 inches of freeboard in the resr of the seanymph and 36 in the front.

Only 28 inches of freeboard in the rear of the starcraft and only 24 in the front.

Also the deadrise on the seanymph is sharper then the starcraft. And also the front of the senymph does not have that large conjoining piece that the starcraft has at the bow. Also the seanymph has a larger deaper back splash well then the starcraft. and also the H.P rating I believe is higher on the seanymph!

Also the console on the seanymph is larger then the starcraft.

Not the same at all!

Although the 21cc starcraft did have alot more rear fishing space then the seanymph that 2 and a feet is nice. But I feal safer being on a seanymph and I wouldnt take a 21 starcraft offshore like I would the seanymph becuase of the side hight. need to read more carefully. My post above was agreeing with you for pete's sake!!!

I stated that the measurements are different, like you:rolleyes:

The patents were sold with the Starcraft name, so Mr. Schrock did design the Sea Nymph hulls a little bit differently for legal reasons. This is why the dimensions are bigger on some and smaller on others.

No reason to get worked up, try slowing down when you read so you comprehend more accurately.

For the record, I am a HUGE fan of both Starcraft and Sea Nymph. I have been since the mid-80s and for good reason. Both are great lake boats, and the bigger ones are great big water hulls.

North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

SNS, Just for the record I'm just adding to the dialog here. Not mad, not excited, just sharing my opinion just like you. But I couldn't help but throw a few jabs in along the way.

And you're absolutly correct about the Mariner. Way too low in the bow for my purposes.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Apr 22, 2010
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

Hi Jas - how are you today? I am fine.



Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

Don't feed the troll.

North Beach

Sep 29, 2008
Re: Starcraft Mariner vs Sea Nymph Striper

Sorry guys! I just likes me some Starcrafts!