For ease of communication, we need to get some terminology straight. The pump that is at the bottom of the engine that you cannot turn by hand is the Raw Water Pump (RWP) also known as the Sea Water Pump. As you know this one is responsible for sucking in lake/sea water thru the outdrive and into the motor. And I think that is what you are referring to. The other pump above that is the Circulation Pump which, well, circulates water thru the engine. Not trying to be offensive, but terminology matters especially when there is more than one pump
I have watched the video several times and a couple of things:
(1) The speed of a rotating device in a video can be deceiving. It’s all about frame rates (of the video) and RPMs (of the device being filmed). I am sure you have seen videos of helicopters flying where the blades look like they are stationary or moving really slow. Additionally, that pulley on the RWP is directly connected to the engine’s crankshaft, so there is no possibility of the pulley ‘slipping’ as if some great load was holding it back. It is the “driving pulley”. Not true with the alternator as a contrast > it is a “driven pulley”. Imagine the load is so great on the alternator that the belt slips on its pulley > in this case the pulley will be ‘slower’ than it should be. Just not possible with the RWP pulley. So, I did not focus on pulley speed.
(2) That you were using a mechanic’s stethoscope is to be applauded. That the “impeller hub the screeching will nearly hurt your ears” is your telltale. From above possible causes: A pulley bearing or device that is belt driven making a noise that sounds like a screeching belt. So, it’s a good bet you found it.
You ordered a new ‘water pump’ which I assume is the RWP. Good. Can you please confirm that it was a RWP you ordered and which brand (OEM or Aftermarket)? There are folks that rebuild / sell reconditioned RWPs that can save you a few bucks. Here is one I have used with good success
link. And once you get your new RWP in hand and changed out, I strongly encourage you to either (1) rebuilt your old one with a kit from them or (2) send him yours for a rebuild or exchange and have it on hand for a future need. Nothing sucks more then missing the boating season due to not having a replacement part when needed
Also, see this post no. 14 at this
link for my go to places for getting parts.
Please post know how it goes and any additional questions. If a different issue, post a new thread. Thanks.