Springfield / Swivl-eze Plug-In 2 3/8" seat base orientation ???


Jan 25, 2008
I need to find out which way 2 3/8" Plug-In seat bases are supposed to be oriented. Which way is the slot (the slot on the left side of the plastic insert shown in pic) supposed to face; left, right, front, back?


I bought "Hi-Lo" sets which only use the slot to align the post, the seat mount does not lock into the pedestal's slot. I'm going to eventually buy a locking seat mount for the driver's seat, but don't know where the slot needs to be aligned so the seat locks into the forward position.

Looked at Springfield and Swivl-eze and they didn't have any info on how these are supposed to be installed. My bases have R & L cast into the underside, with the slot marked right, but I find it odd that the slot would face right, I'd think the slot would face front or back :confused:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Springfield / Swivl-eze Plug-In 2 3/8" seat base orientation ???

contact the companies direct, let us know what you find out.


Mar 19, 2007
Re: Springfield / Swivl-eze Plug-In 2 3/8" seat base orientation ???

Like TD says, contact the company to see what they say.

On my one boat, the key way slots are off to the right on all 4 seats, the seat posts are what determined that location since they they must be positioned in a way which sets the top level and the seat adjustment lever to the left, and the up and down lever in front. I'm not sure what brand mine are, they came with a Starcraft boat I bought and parted out, I transferred them over and mounted them just as they were mounted in the other boat. the seat mounting plates on mine aren't level, if the posts were reversed, the seat would lean too far forward or back. (In other words, the key way insures that the seat adjustment levers are all in the same place and that the seats are all set at the same and proper angle).


Jan 25, 2008
Re: Springfield / Swivl-eze Plug-In 2 3/8" seat base orientation ???

Yep, that's why I need to find out, so the seat mount (I don't have yet) will be clocked correctly. Guess I might have to call the MFG on Monday.

reelfishin, do you have these exact bases, or other bases that need to be oriented correctly.

I have a bunch of Crestliner Superhawk pics for ideas on my rebuild. One of them looks like the bases are clocked with the slot to the back, not a great pic and I don't know if they are these bases, so that's why I'm asking.


Jan 25, 2008
Re: Springfield / Swivl-eze Plug-In 2 3/8" seat base orientation ???

I finally got around to contacting Springfield and they said the slot in the tube faces forward,,, so the slot in the base should face forward also.

Hope this helps someone out.


Mar 19, 2007
Re: Springfield / Swivl-eze Plug-In 2 3/8" seat base orientation ???

Mine may not be the same brand, if I were to turn mine with the key way to the front, my seats would all lean to he right. Its a good fact to know however for that brand of seat and pedestal.

On my pedestals, there's a push button release which locks in several height locations, this orientates the square top plate which attaches to the seat slides which in turn mount to the bottom of the seats. The top portion of the post is what would make the seat lean once that button was locked into place. Without the button, it wouldn't make any difference other than the seats would lock in the facing left position if the key way on these was orientated forward center.

Glad you found the answer you needed. It's definitely something to make note of.