So radio/head units are just usually 4 channels (Left Front, Right Front, Left Rear and Right Rear) + Sub L & R for the 5th and 6th........Not sure other than the sub L & R's would there be some other isolated 5th and 6th channels? Maybe surrounds?
So most likely the Bow speakers have to be..........
1) Wired in parallel with the fronts (or rears)
2) Wired in series with the fronts (or rears)
Usually (50% of time, perhaps older less powerful), Radio/Head Units(including "head units" that can ALSO drive speakers directly apart from their high Z RCA jack outputs), ALL the speakers signals returns are all common (although have separate wires) with one another, this 100% can be checked/verified with a few simple ohm meter measurements between all the sig returns wires.
**AND** are all ALSO common with the radio/head unit's battery negative.
So, in case of #1 above and having common sig returns, the stock config should look as follows.....
To then add stern speakers and to also mute the bow speaker at same time...
But in case of #2 above that the bow's are in series, then the stock config should look as follows.....
To then add stern speakers and to also mute the bow speaker at same time...
BUT, in the case of SEPARATED sig returns (including
this just
purchased) AND again, in case #1 above, the stock config should look as follows.....
To then add stern speakers and to also mute the bow speaker at same time...
However in case of #2 above that the bow's are in series AND again, in the case of SEPARATED sig returns, then the stock config should look as follows.....
To then add stern speakers and to also mute the bow speaker at same time...
**This is because unlike the mega wattage amps, the typical radio/head units DON'T have an internal DC-DC step up power supply that magnetically(transformer) create a additional secondary ISOLATED SIGNAL return(speaker minus).