Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Would have had the drive fluid changed this AM but I couldn't get the $&% drain screw off...

Test run report....

Wow, what a difference a day (and a 4th cylinder) makes. Seemed to run terrific, plenty of pickup and speed. I could have pulled a skier without problems. I suspect the plug had been broken for a long while. RPM's are now at WOT 3400 rather than 2300. The spec shows they should be 4300. If the tach is correct I still have work to do. I wouldn't have known any difference if I hadn't looked at the gauge as it was running that well.

Current problems/concerns/questions

1. loss of approx 1000 rpm. I should be getting 4300 approx
2. Still need to change outdrive fluid. Any tips for that drain screw? Seems as if it was soldered or cemented in. Gonna have to get a bigger screwdriver?
3. Still need to change fuel filter
4. Finally found the carb screen and will clean that
5. Prop....Should this be able to spin freely as in give it a push and it spins, or does it require finger tension to turn?. Mine requires force. I plan to lube this also.
6. Will get OEM plug and coil wires, along with rotor. Should I change the cap also?
7. At WOT I noticed the temp above 180 to close to 200 and steady then back to 160-170 at cruise. New impeller the other day.
8. Rpm's are erratic regarding the return to idle after running. Usually hang around 1000 instead of dropping back to 750. Worried about putting in gear at that rpm. Carb adjustment, or cable lubrication?
9. Gimbal bearing lube to come.
10. Is it possible that with all of the above maintenance I may regain those 1000 rpm's and run cooler?
11. On the Starboar side outdrive I see a single cable that runs inside and it appears that the rubber is split. What is this?

I now have 55 hours and the only maintenance done was the 20 hour about 3 years ago. The plugs had incorrect gaps and I suspect whatever maintenance done at that time was on the weaker side. Checking the outdrive fluid It is overfilled and cause for concern.

Sorry for the long diatribe and thanks for taking the time to read and offer any suggestions.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

A little bump, will be more concise, and take things one at a time.

I can't seem to find the procedure for adjusting the throttle/shift cable. The rpms are erratic and don't return to 750. They hang anywhere from 900 to 1100 and I get a clunk when putting in gear. Am I on the correct track? and is a new cable likely?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

The end of the throttle cable where it attaches to the carb is adjustable. It should be adjusted so in idle position there is a slight pressure on the linkage to the idle position. You really don't want to be shifting gears at 1000 rpm.

You probably don't need plug wires, but cap and rotor should be replaced, along with the spark plugs.

An impact screwdriver will get the drain plugs out of the drive.

Get a good shop tach and check your helm tach.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Still trudging along with your help.

Ever since I replaced the broken plug the boat picks up and runs strong. I still need to verify the WOT RPM's. I think the speed is near the top but the RPM's never exceed 3400, where it should be 4400. Will get it in and have the shop verify RPM's.

Problem is that the temp now while WOT can get up to 210 for moments and then back down to 180 within a matter of 5-10 seconds. This doesn't happen when on plane with 2220 rpm's, only above that.

I pulled the thermostat and it opened and closed as it should on the stove. When removing the hoses I noticed a bit of gunk but no impeller pieces. I checked the impeller and it appears in good shape. I had just changed it but when I did I noticed the "sealing washer" (part number 3) in this diagram was missing. I replaced the impeller last week without it thinking it wasn't important as it wasn't there when I removed the old impeller.**********.591174863--view_id.313883

How important is this? Could this be the primary temp problem?

Since the impeller looks fine can I rule out any damage running it for the short period of time at 210?

Is it normal to see such a rapid fluctuation in temp. 180-210-180-200, in a matter of 10 -20 seconds while alternating throttle speed?

Plans are to flush whatever gunk I can, order part number 3, change thermostat, install the distributor cap and rotor when received as you suggested and go from there.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Get a new impeller kit, earlier it was discovered you had the wrong kit (see reply #8 of this thread). Also replace the thermostat. That end plug for the impeller (item#3) comes with the impeller kit, but wouldn't cause your problem.

You should NEVER see over 170? when running at any speed. Have you used the trim when you have the boat out and running? If you have the drive all the way down, you will be plowing and the thing will never develop full rpm.

As far as what is causing your overheat, after you replace the thermostat and impeller if it still overheats, read this.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Get a new impeller kit, earlier it was discovered you had the wrong kit (see reply #8 of this thread). Also replace the thermostat. That end plug for the impeller (item#3) comes with the impeller kit, but wouldn't cause your problem.

You should NEVER see over 170? when running at any speed. Have you used the trim when you have the boat out and running? If you have the drive all the way down, you will be plowing and the thing will never develop full rpm.

As far as what is causing your overheat, after you replace the thermostat and impeller if it still overheats, read this.

Thanks Don,

I took the Sierra back as you said and ordered and received only the Volvo impeller and the large O-ring in a box from the iboats link. Only numbers 2 and 4. I had ordered the "kit" part number.

1 Impeller Kit 3862567 Delivered October 13 October 16 October 16 $46.61

Should I have received the cap also? I suspect this may have been what happened to the previous owner as I went looking for this cap to put back in or for a cap from the kit. Could the impeller be sitting incorrectly in the housing because of this missing plug? Does the cap provide tension. It had an angled appearance when sitting in the housing when pulling from the shaft.

Yes, I adjusted trim at all settings to see if more/less water was being taken in. Seemed to have little difference in temp, speed improves but rpm's seem to move very little.

Could I have gotten lucky regarding damage at 210 degrees?

Thanks for the link and the help.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

After going back to the Volvo penta store, I see that annotated below the page that the "sealing washer" is only available from the dealer..

What gives... Order a kit and get half of it...and almost blow an engine in the process because I am a dunce...

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

What gives... Order a kit and get half of it...and almost blow an engine in the process

That plug has absolutely nothing to do with your overheat problem. 99% of the pumps that I run into don't have them installed and they weren't overheating at all. Possibly that one wasn't in the kit or it came out of the box somewhere, who knows.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Thanks Don,

I feel better about it. I'll let you know how the new thermostat and impeller go. With the manuals help I finally was able to get to the fuel filter.