Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Moved this post over here to get more attention at the rec of someone else..

I am buying a chaparral 2003 with volvo penta 3.0 that has a currently undiagnosed problem. It has 50 hours and has been run only once the last year. When it was run 6 months ago it had "cut out". The consignment dealer changed the starter and the owner never heard anything back.

Dealer out of business and we picked it up the other day. The starter looks as if it has been replaced, but no battery is installed.

I installed a new battery and cranked engine and although turning over seems to have little spark. (could be wrong) Also seemed a little sluggish for a new battery. There has been very little to no maintenance to this boat for 4 years. 4 year old oil and unstabilized gas over a year old. I have an excellent suggestion for troubleshooting the gas/fuel issue if I can get that far.

What would you guys suggest I do initially? This engine has less than 50 hours and appears new yet not maintained. At bargain price of 6K I am hoping nothing truly expensive is involved. I work with the seller and trust when he states last year it was running fine. I am off to get some filters and oil.

Thanks for any suggestions...


Vice Admiral
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

if you have slow cranking you have either a weak/bad battery, a bad starter, or most likely..... looses/corroded power/ground cables.
if you have "weak" spark it could be caused by the same issue.... low voltage to the engine.
Start with cleaning up all the connections..... Realisticly though you need a multimeter to find out where your voltage is going.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

I feel like such an idiot....I need to RTFM...

I wasn't priming by using the throttle. It cranked right up and I let it idle for about 10 minutes.

I am still going to check all the connections as you said and change all the fluids. How involved is the impeller replacement?. It look easy on this engine but you guys know best.

Is there a limit to how long I could idle this engine. I would like to just let it run for a while to use some fuel and feel better about the chance of cutting out while underway. Can I also bring the RPS up to cruise.

I have a sneaky suspicion why the starter went bad. It seems the fresh water flush inlet is directly overhead and it is difficult to avoid water leaking on the solenoid. Odds are this had happened numerous times. What do you think?

Any and all suggestions for this new owner is very much appreciated. Thanks for your time...


Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Is there a limit to how long I could idle this engine. I would like to just let it run for a while to use some fuel and feel better about the chance of cutting out while underway. Can I also bring the RPS up to cruise.

You shouldn't run much over 1500 rpm on muffs.
If you want rid of that fuel, just pump it out of the tank. Get a cheap electric fuel pump from an auto parts store and hook a hose from the fuel tank to the pump, and another from the pump to a container for your old gas.
Make some jumper wires for the pump and hook it to a battery and pump it out.

The pump is easy, just remove the bracket that keeps it from spinning, disconnect the hoses, remove 4 screws and the cover comes off.
The OEM service manual has 3 pages with pictures on changing the impeller.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Would using the water hose attached to the fresh water flush inlet on the engine have the same limitations as using the muffs?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Without a load on the engine, you will run forever on a tank of gas. It's also not good to run an engine at 3-4 thousand rpm without a load for long periods of time.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Thanks Don...I'll take the advice.

Changed the oil and filter without problems. Having trouble finding the correct impeller. Don't dare take it out tomorrow and test until I have changed that. Good idea? It has been 5 years. West Marine gave me sierra kit number 18-3081D but he didn't seem too sure. Don't want to take it apart until I have the correct impeller. I tried to verify the number and am unable after an hour of searching. Does my 2003 volvo 3.0 GLP-B have an AQ number? As this seems to be whats needed to find parts locally.

Thanks for your patience with this noob....

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

No, you don't have an AQ number, that ended in 1989. You have a 3.0GLP-B.
Go to the top of this page and click on Volvo parts.
No, that is not the correct kit, You need Volvo part number 3862567 for the impeller kit, but if you want to get aftermarket parts, you want kit number 18-3276.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 9, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Would using the water hose attached to the fresh water flush inlet on the engine have the same limitations as using the muffs?

-Same limitations or better yet "precautions".

On muffs or via the fresh water hose it's the same on the Volvo - it's just a matter of a different "input" source. I tend to place the muffs on the drive (plug the hose fitting on the muffs) and use the fresh water hose - \that way I know a good amount of the water is going to the pump and not back out the drive etc.

While running however, make sure the drive is in the down position. This keeps the drive joints straight and mitigates wear.

As Don mentioned, the impeller/pump is very easy to change - just don't over tighten the 4 small screws/bolts. However, if you are winterizing the boat wait for the spring to change the impeller. I tend to pull the pump, remove the impeller, and ensure all water is drained out then stick a new one in in the spring. I do this each year yet change the impeller every other year.



Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Thanks guys....

KJSmitty: Didn't have the stern drive down and thanks for the advice re tightening the bolts....

Looks like I'll order the original part Don. Can't seem to find any reference to part number 18-3276...


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Besides the impeller, oil, drive fluid, fuel filter...what else do you think I should be concerned about with a 5 year old boat with under 50 hours. It was dry stored and flushed for the first 4 years. It seems to be idling fine atm and I will take it for a short run tomorrow. Will still be waiting on the impeller. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Thank you very much for your time...


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

The impeller instructions were perfect Don. The impeller that was over 5 years old appeared almost new. No cracking or overly soft or hard. It was surprising. Even though it had only 50 hours I figured age would have had some effect.

I also received some plugs and fuel filter insert. Looking at this diagram It doesn't show exactly where it is supposed to be installed. I can't reference number 2 with the rest of the diagram. Any suggestions? .aspx

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

I would strongly suggest you get the OEM manuals for your engine and drive. It has details on things like impeller changes, filter changes, and other things you are going to be doing if you are going to do your own maintenance. Otherwise, you will mess something up.
Below is an example from the manul


  • Fuel filter replacement.jpg
    Fuel filter replacement.jpg
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Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Thanks Don....

Beginning to realize the manual is going to be needed and will pay for itself quickly.

Thanks for the instructions. Looks like something I'll attempt AFTER this weekend trip to avoid a screw up...


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Manual has been ordered and am putting off the fuel filter until then.

I have been wondering why my rpm's are never above 2500 yet was able to run about 30 or so when finally reaching plane, although pickup was slow. Was hoping it was just the gauge and I was truly at 4300 rpms. I didn't recall this vibration when I had the merc 5.0 5 years ago.

Decided to install the new volvo plugs today and when I pulled the boot off of one the plug broke in half. It was an AC plug and all the gaps were off. Whoever installed them never checked apparently. After installing I ran them with the muffs and it seems to run quite a bit smoother. I imagine I can assume the vibration I have been feeling and the slow pickup was a result of this broken plug?

What could one expect when running a volvo 3.0 with 3 cylinders? Should I expect a huge improvement tomorrow? I hope.

Another question regarding stern drive fluid. Do I need a pump to add the fluid? Sorry for seeming dense but how does one infuse fluid trough the "drain" hole or am I misreading?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

What could one expect when running a volvo 3.0 with 3 cylinders? Should I expect a huge improvement tomorrow? I hope.

One would expect a power drop of one quarter at least.

Expect nothing, report back with what happens.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 11, 2008
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Thank you very much for the hand holding Don and thanks for the link. I'll report tomorrow.

I may be educated, but that doesn't mean I am intelligent...
"drain plug hole" How do I instill fluid against gravity? What am I missing?

"Remove three screws securing the shift link access cover to
access the oil level plug. Fill sterndrive with Volvo Penta Synthetic
Gearcase Lubricant SAE 75W-90 through oil drain plug hole. Fill
slowly to purge air."

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

Sorry, I fill drives for a living and not sure I ever read how to fill one in the manual. They did show us in VP Tech training school, so obviously if I know, you must :eek: :rolleyes:
Yes, you fill from the bottom with a pump. Most any marine store has them for around 10 bucks that fit on a quart container.


Vice Admiral
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Soon to be new volvo 3.0 owner

the quart ones will work but take forever. see if you can get a johnson/evinrude/omc pump... they're like 8 bucks and they are designed for a gallon jug. I use an antifreeze bottle that's been washed/dried/washed/dried. I put the gear lube in the gallon jug use the omc pump. goes quite a bit faster that way.