Some big oil fact's ????

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Jan 13, 2006
gentlemen, missed all this interesting discussion(mondays, have to hit
the road..). Yes Potential Energy = Mass*gravitational acceleration
constant(9.81 usually in metric)*height at which its raised. Kinetic
energy = 1/2(mass)(velocity)^2

Momentum=mass*velocity and Force=rate of change of momentum from high
school physics
BTW, Look at this link -

and this one from EIA -

Look at the consumption figures -
Rank Country Consumption

1 United States 20,687

2 China 7,273

3 Japan 5,159

4 Russia 2,861

5 Germany 2,665

6 India 2,587

Interesting conclusion is that if you total the consumption and match
US = China + Japan + Russia + Germany + India + 2,000 (approx)!!!

That's the level of outrageous consumption we are talking about!! So
if china increases consumption by 15% it would mean an addition of
about 1000 (k barrels per day)...and india at 4% implies 100 (thousand
barrels / day)...these are blips..they will not cause any major
downfall. Do the math and you will see that these economies can grow
at 8-12% and still not cause any major changes in oil prices for quite
some time.

But US economy being so large and the consumption so huge if it
devalues its currency drastically will cause global inflation!
And that seems to be the truth which Ben and his cohorts are trying to
cover up. There is a massive printing/inflation operation underway and
this is going to cause a global inflation crisis starting with oil!
This is being covered up with a plausible story of asian
economies...which is blatantly false! Also look at trends in
consumption and you will see its the europe (along with russia) which
comes in a close second to the US in terms of consumption and which is
also participating in this cover up. Lastly, the trends towards
ethanol is going to cause the food prices to hit the roof. With gross
fiscal mismanagement and economic policy disasters, I am convinced
that the US despite all its propaganda will be exposed for its
excesses and make the entire globe pay..

Do a liitle math,numbers dont lie...But here comes something intresting on the horizon...will it indeed become reality or will it be swept under the rug...It's time to ask your local state rep just what he or she is doing$125-per-barrel.php

Washington - Alaska Senators Lisa Murkowski and Ted Stevens have introduced legislation, ?The American Energy Independence and Security Act of 2008?, to open the 10-02 Area of ANWR to oil and gas leasing due to the high price of oil. The price of oil has broken world records for the past consecutive week and now sits at $110 per barrel. The bill states that if the price of oil reaches $125 per barrel for five days or more that the 10-02 Area of ANWR should be opened for leasing

Mean while our northern neighbor's are developing and profiting from oil feilds' that are less significant than our own..

This is where our neighbor's are taking there new found gain's from...while this counrty sit's on our hand's.... You be the judge.



Apr 21, 2004
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Those are interesting sites, from which you could base all sorts of different conclusions, aside from the ones you came up with.

Not sure what ultimately you are driving at, except the world population has doubled since 1965, and America's per capita oil use dwarfs the rest of the world.

I'm not sure the little bit of oil available in ANWR 10 years from now is going to significantly impact anything, but who knows?

Tom Friedman has a new book supposedly coming out late this summer tentatively titled "Hot,Flat, and Crowded" that deals with all these issues. He is a smart guy, and I can't wait to hear what he has to say.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Just how much is the "little bit" of oil in ANWR, PW2?

Ten years ago people were saying the same thing about ANWR and various offshore fields.

If we had allowed the exploration then where would we be now?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Personally I have no idea what this thread is about, but I will also never understand how some more oil, sometime, from somewhere (anywhere) is not significant. If it represents only 17 milliseconds of additional oil, then all we need are a bunch of other places to get some from too. My point is that I am not sure how getting additional oil from an arctic wasteland is not beneficial no matter how little some think it is . . . :confused:

Oh . . . wait . . . I just figured it out, we're gonna have to migrate there when Global Warming makes it the only place that will be inhabitiable . . . Yeah , that's it . . . :rolleyes:


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Just how much is the "little bit" of oil in ANWR, PW2?

Ten years ago people were saying the same thing about ANWR and various offshore fields.

If we had allowed the exploration then where would we be now?

It is estimated to be between 5 billon and 20 billion barrels--roughly between 15 and 45 years at 1 million barrels/day. Certainly it is something, but with global requirements at 85 million barrels a day or so, it's hard (for me, at least) to think it would make a dramatic difference.

Not sure what the status is of Prudoe Bay reserves is, exactly, but they have been producing for 30+ years now at roughly that rate, and not sure how long they can maintain that rate. The pipeline itself was only required to be guaranteed for 21 years when it was built.

I am not arguing that we should not access ANWR, only that it will not solve the long term supply problem with crude, and at best will only delay its onset.

I am sure Alaskan pols want to retain their state tax free status and their permanent fund payments.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Those are interesting sites, from which you could base all sorts of different conclusions, aside from the ones you came up with.

Not sure what ultimately you are driving at, except the world population has doubled since 1965, and America's per capita oil use dwarfs the rest of the world.

I'm not sure the little bit of oil available in ANWR 10 years from now is going to significantly impact anything, but who knows?

Tom Friedman has a new book supposedly coming out late this summer tentatively titled "Hot,Flat, and Crowded" that deals with all these issues. He is a smart guy, and I can't wait to hear what he has to say.


TG:That's the level of outrageous consumption we are talking about!! So
if china increases consumption by 15% it would mean an addition of
about 1000 (k barrels per day)...and india at 4% implies 100 (thousand
barrels / day)...these are blips..they will not cause any major
downfall. Do the math and you will see that these economies can grow
at 8-12% and still not cause any major changes in oil prices for quite
some time.


Do the math PW there is no shortage due to new world expansion...its mathmatically impossible.

As to Anwar's has more gas and oil than the Saudi's and a 10yr time line...:D try 2-3 year's if there dragging there feet.... Along with the Bakken formation that's enough raw oil to sustain this country for 200 yrs. Effectivley Lowering oil to a specualted free market cost of 42.00 a barrell

Ending hyper inflation food production issues and perhaps the greatest crisis to ever face this country, the crumbling of OUR ability to conduct day to day business....

The wealth being transfered almost defy's imagination and it will not trickle back down..It is gone, In short oil is the only safe big money investment left and is being highly manipulated (protected) by wall street by limting production,

This morning i heard statement's by both canadate's saying they oppose drilling in our PRISTINE park's.Anwar 10-02 is not in a park and is a frozen waste land making them just as complicent and irresponsible as any hegefund mgr or broker on wall street by distorting factual information

There is the real Anwar 10 02 feilds


Here's a larger view of the area it's highlighted in will notice that red speck...its 1002 the site to be drilled.

By the way both the canadiates were from oppsoing party's there is no polotic's here there both corrupt or ill informed.

Opp's just a opinion your milage may vary...


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

What troubles me about oil production from ANWAR is that the oil may not be used domestically.

Oil is a commodity that is traded globally and as such is sold to the highest bidder.

The company that produces oil from ANWAR, may very well end up selling it to China or India.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Whether it is used domestically or sold to. . .whomever. . .that would be $125,000,000 a day (at today prices) that we wouldn't be sending to potentially hostile foreign countries.

The problem isn't shortage of oil, it is where it comes from and that we are dependent on imports.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 24, 2007
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

The company that produces oil from ANWAR, may very well end up selling it to China or India.

They won't sell it abroad if the lease prohibits such. But before that can happen, the producers will have to have refinery facilities suitable to process the oil. That didn't happen with Alaskan oil in the 80s, and the US was the world's supplier of bunker oil. Why? California is too good to have any more refineries (NIMBY ring a bell?). If it's prohibitively expensive to get the oil to available refineries, they will sell it abroad or not produce it at all.

And that's where the dumocrats will screw the pooch - prohibiting sale abroad and disallowing any new refinery fracilities! Agreement is not required, but don't be too quick to call me crazy ... ;)


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

The company that produces oil from ANWAR, may very well end up selling it to China or India.

They won't sell it abroad if the lease prohibits such. But before that can happen, the producers will have to have refinery facilities suitable to process the oil. That didn't happen with Alaskan oil in the 80s, and the US was the world's supplier of bunker oil. Why? California is too good to have any more refineries (NIMBY ring a bell?). If it's prohibitively expensive to get the oil to available refineries, they will sell it abroad or not produce it at all.

And that's where the dumocrats will screw the pooch - prohibiting sale abroad and disallowing any new refinery fracilities! Agreement is not required, but don't be too quick to call me crazy ... ;)

My old freind, this has gone beyond polotics. I have stated oil is the last bastion of protection if you indeed have million's of dollars. Any other place in the market your problably gonna lose and lose alot depending on your wealth.

As to American oil going off shore, yes that could be a real scenario, but in our country there are disclosure law's and we would know as a nation just truly the magnitude of the money or profit being had or done. You would not have to read my tyrates on this subject.....there would be a revolution in the capital steps.

I know i go off the wall a on this subject, and i cannot take it to deep but we are in very deep trouble....i have posted enough to put a somewhat clear picture...It's really very clear use your common sense and call your state rep and tell him or her enough is enough.

It has been said this is family type of forum, where one can go and not have to deal with the Daily News negative polotic's.....and it is. think and act.... protect your children....use your instint's if you feel something is not right...well youir probalby right.. We can make a difference the polotician's are just as disturbed as you but they lack direction or confidence in just what to do on both sides.

And then maybe i can post my result's on my latest fleet and it's restoration and many more member's will have the fund's to splurge a few hundred or thousand or so..........and then seeing if i can find a one time member called BoomYall or something like that and hand him his arse in the big race and not feel to guilty....:p

Just a opinion your milage may vary.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

My father has worked in the oil field for almost 4 decades. He said that with modern drilling methods there would be almost zero negative impact on the environment. In fact, some studies have shown that the warmth that would be given off by the oil pipe would give the animals a small place of refuge out of the cold or at least in an area not so cold. They would be able to easily walk under it. It would not be an impenetrable fence.

The environmentalists say the same things about the offshore oil wells, and those things have some of the biggest redfish in the gulf around their legs. The fish use them for cover and big fish ambush from them. Think of an oil well as a big stump for a bass. They don't hurt a thing, if a spill occurs yea, but look at Valdez. Nothing can compare to that, and that had nothing to do with an oil rig.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

My father has worked in the oil field for almost 4 decades. He said that with modern drilling methods there would be almost zero negative impact on the environment. In fact, some studies have shown that the warmth that would be given off by the oil pipe would give the animals a small place of refuge out of the cold or at least in an area not so cold. They would be able to easily walk under it. It would not be an impenetrable fence.

The environmentalists say the same things about the offshore oil wells, and those things have some of the biggest redfish in the gulf around their legs. The fish use them for cover and big fish ambush from them. Think of an oil well as a big stump for a bass. They don't hurt a thing, if a spill occurs yea, but look at Valdez. Nothing can compare to that, and that had nothing to do with an oil rig.

I'm not going to get in a touchy discussion here, but I have to comment on this little tidbit:

Quote:In fact, some studies have shown that the warmth that would be given off by the oil pipe would give the animals a small place of refuge out of the cold or at least in an area not so cold.
--End quote.

As a person who was once responsible for quality control on the insulation of the original aboveground portion of Trans Alaska Pipeline, I can tell you that is preposterous. The insulation is designed not only to keep the oil warm so it will flow, but most importantly it is designed to keep the heat from escaping as the pipe is built on perma frost, and would sink into the muck if heat were allowed to escape.

On a four foot diameter pipe, the specifications call for 100 deg F oil in the pipeline to maintain at least +40 deg F temp in a minus 45 deg F environment for 21 days when not flowing. The theory is they can fix anything that might go wrong with the pipe in 21 days, and the oil will flow without external heating at plus 40 deg F.

The average fun loving Cariboo is not going to notice, or care.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Here's a conspiracy theory for ya......Is it possible that the environmetalists that are doing everything they can to stop petroleum production/usage and turn the world to other "sources" of energy, because they have investments in other "sources" of energy? They want their turn at putting their hands in our pocket so they use the environment argument as the cover up. ;)


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

I hear a very loud "CLICK" in this threads future...............:eek::eek:

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

You folks are killing me. I like "Big Oil" as you so disparagingly relate to an industry that is such a vital interest to this country, an industry that is probably the biggest contributor to the high standard of living which we as Americans so enjoy.
When i voted for President Bush (twice) i knew that i was voting for what i regard as what is in the best interest of this country.
The energy companies in America are not the ememy as is so often potrayed in the many posts that i've read on this board recently.
Your biggest enemy is yourself. Think about it seriously folks.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 1, 2004
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

ok so the message i get from the original post is that we should try and live like the chinese and indians do? consume less?

No thnx..especially since they want to live like us...

Ok we beat topic to death on some previous post.

1st there is no such thing as US oil - it is a global oil supply, which is the way it should be.

The oil goes to the highest bidder and the lowest cost producers (which is why local oil refineries are NOT an issue, we just import the gasoline if they foreigners can produce it for less)

2nd there are 2 types of oil

1 - stick a pipe in the ground and it comes out.

2 - Locked up in something - so that it takes extra $$ to unlock it.
tar sand
coal (which is what the chinese are building, becuase the coal is state owned and is essentially free)
Plants (not ethanol)
environmentally - (anwar coastal us, where you have to spend $$ suing and proposing, environment studies etc)

The problem has become option 2 has only slowly been looked at because option 1 is still very viable. You need billions to do option 2. If you unlock anwar and coastal drilling that INSTANTLY kills option 2.

So the investment risk is HUGE to do anything with option 2.

Take a look at silicon valley investors and see what they are investing in.

right now they are investing in biotech to convert cellelouse to fuel (termites do it now) becuase that is the lowest investment cost to the highest return ration.


Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Live like the Chinese and Indians who consume less, but want to consume more like us, or live like a termite. :D
My choice is not so difficult.;)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

ANWAR & offshore drilling got shot down again today.....
But they did vote to stop stockpiling the strategic reserve......
This country needs term limits before we are a third world country.....
That is all....:)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 2, 2008
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

My opinion only...and NO, I did not stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, so who knows if I'm full of it or not...

Anyway. I feel that the current high prices of gas and oil are less related to the supply of oil and more related to the decreasing value of the dollar. If you revalue the dollar to what it was years ago, oil prices are back down to a more comfortable level. The frequent cuts in interest rates encourage spending and borrowing and therefore increases the supply of dollars and drives the value down.

My thoughts? Raise interest rates, to ecourage saving and reduce the supply of dollars. As the value the of the dollar increases, you should (in theory) be able to buy more goods (oil) for your money.

Feel free to trash my theory as I can guarantee no hurt feelings. Just my opinion offered amongst friends.
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