Soft spots gone 1976 ranger bass boat


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 3, 2005
Does anyone know if you can pull out the plastic strip that is over the rivits in the trim arround the boat, and then drill out the rivits and replace the trim and rivits and to also pull out the inner frame so I can see any damage that may have been caused by someone just letting it fill with water and rot? How would you pull a 115hp evninrude off the back? and how does one remove the steering cable from the engine? I needed to replace the floor due to soft spots and added 1/4 inch ply wood sealed and painted many times due to didnt know how/or if I would or could remove the fiberglass inner frame/and motor to fix the floor. I read its bad to screw into the stringer(s) for support due to the original plywood is separating. Sealed it really good. Should I not go with this fix and redo it, taking the boat apart pice by pice??


Fleet Admiral
Apr 28, 2002
Re: Soft spots gone 1976 ranger bass boat

You can start by telling us what problem(s) you are trying to solve. Try to state what you would like to know simply, clearly and in short sentences. Your post is very difficult to understand. You jumped all over the place which makes it tough for us.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 3, 2005
Re: Soft spots gone 1976 ranger bass boat

How do you correctly fix a floor with soft spots due to the plywood under the fiberglass covered floor attached to the hull is delaminating? Do I need to figure out how to separate the inner fiberglass frame from the hull to Properly fix the floor? What I have done is cut three pieces of 1/4 inch plywood (to fill the existing gap)and slid them in under the fiberglass lip and the existing floor. I then screwed it down (some screws in the old holes and some in the stringer(s. I know that is bad from what I have read since.