I wish I had some time to catch some perch...been longing for an old fashion perch dinner. Grandma used to coat the fillets in crushed up cornflakes somehow and bake them. Man I miss that, never been able to duplicate it quite right. Grandpa would make hush puppies to go with the fish, another lost recipe, that were unlike any I have ever run across.
I am getting ready to inspect and repair my lowboy trailer. Found a great deal on a couple of Bridgeport milling machines. I'll end up with an extra to sell when it's all done. I am actually excited about something for the first time in years. Itll be a lot of work but work I am looking forward to. If I decide to give up all my vices I'll need a new hobby and this may be able to translate into money making at some point.
Think I'm gonna take the second half of the day off and go boating...just me and the boss and our dear friend. The boat wont know what to think with only 3 aboard. This idea certainly beats the heck out of mowing...or any other thing I SHOULD be doing.
Just got back from fishing at Gros Cap.Very little action,but I did catch dinner,a small coho salmon.When I got out on the water and about 2 miles from base fog rolled in fast.All movement was done by my fishfinde/gps and my Garmin handheld gps.When I was ready to come in the fog was bad but the gps took me exactly to the launch where I broke through the fog and was dead on There was only one other boat on the water so I lit up all my led lights for our safety.We never came within 1/8th of a mile of each other and both of us were trolling at 3 mph or a tad less.Even at 11:30 am the fog was still rolling in and still heavy.
Well, got a super nice burn on my ankle today...the geniuses who built this particular toon screwed up. There were two baffles on either side of a seam. The seam area was the repair. I vented the front and the mid part of the toon. Because there were two baffles though there was a 1 inch portion that wasn't vented. I applied about 165 amps... my puddle started acting funny and the next thing I knew I has a molten blob of filler blow down between my boot and my ankle. You have never seen someone hop and kick off a boot quicker. I've done a million pontoon repairs and never encountered two baffles so tight to each other.
Spent the last few days sorting out technology as I got hacked...again. man I suck at computers and stuff. About all i can do successfully with them seems to be diagnosing motors of various flavors.
Anyways, i lost all my email addresses so if I have been communicating with anyone who sees this via email you'll have to shoot me a PM as I cant see my old email account.
GA_Boater yes, sent you a PM about changing the stuff here. In short I think I need assistance as I have only a phone and cant remember the password...
jakedaawg Notified Admin, so hoping they get back to you quickly.
Meanwhile - Can you look at Chrome saved passwords on your phone? Touch the three dots, scroll to Settings and then touch Passwords. If you're lucky you can see the iBoats password.
Tried to get out boating but work got in the way...its a good thing when your the only guy in the county that can fix a leaky pontoon but it gets in the way of recreation.
On a side note, do any of you computer experts have a way for me to reach through the internet and hold somebody's keyboard under water for just a little while
Well, its ant season here. Anybody have any experience with the stuff you can spray around the house on the outside? What's a good product? Or should I just call the bug guy? I've used him in the past and it works but thought maybe there is something i can do myself. These are the large black ants. Possibly carpenter ants i think. NW lower Michigan.