Do you know the strangest place I saw snowplows, Cowboy.?
Well...if it was in Florida...we call them thangs "Graders" not snow plows...
Do you know the strangest place I saw snowplows, Cowboy.?
Oh no, not a grader, it was a Meyers snowplow plowing sand off the street along the beach after a storm in Ft. Lauderdale.
So how much acreage do you have?
My Parcel is 50 acres, the road I plow is 2 miles and I have access to 55,000 acres, my land is surrounded by a couple of neighbors on three sides that is over 200 acres and my 4th property line is butted up against 50,000 acres of private timber land, so I have LOTS of room to play!
I decide years ago I would never live in a place that I had to go inside the house to P or could not have a rifle and pistol range. My home is smack dab in the center of a 26 acre wooded plot with about 5 other similiar lots on two sides and about 500 acres of private woodlands on the other 2 which my neighbor and I hunt. My wife is starting to think about what would happen if something would happen to me in the winter how a ambulance could get up the last 1/2 mile of gravel road if the snow wasn't cleared. I just told her set me outside in one of the sheds and I won't spoil before the road is plowed for the hearse to get there.
I like the way you think ... My ideal place would be similar to yours ... And tell your wife not to worry about the ambulance ... Where there is a will, there is a way. We get into the strangest places, and have 4WD ... And access to plows if needed ...I decide years ago I would never live in a place that I had to go inside the house to P or could not have a rifle and pistol range. My home is smack dab in the center of a 26 acre wooded plot with about 5 other similiar lots on two sides and about 500 acres of private woodlands on the other 2 which my neighbor and I hunt. My wife is starting to think about what would happen if something would happen to me in the winter how a ambulance could get up the last 1/2 mile of gravel road if the snow wasn't cleared. I just told her set me outside in one of the sheds and I won't spoil before the road is plowed for the hearse to get there.
^^^^^ I see plenty of new lawnmowers sitting out in the rain at retailers........
I have a 1975 Bolens that has spent the last 8 or 9 years outside. Starts up and runs in any weather like the Mailman.
I like the way you think ... My ideal place would be similar to yours ... And tell your wife not to worry about the ambulance ... Where there is a will, there is a way. We get into the strangest places, and have 4WD ... And access to plows if needed ...
^^^^^ I see plenty of new lawnmowers sitting out in the rain at retailers........
PEDs and snowblowers. Is this what some might consider a hijack? LOL
Don't forget that the guy said he lied, which makes it even worse because the headline said :"Manning took HGH", not "A guy lied about Manning taking HTH"
Ooops, wrong thread, I think I'll move it...Lol
And leave my reply here so I look like the hijacker. :mad-new::lol: