Smart Tabs


Apr 13, 2009
Hello Everyone!!

I just purchased my first boat. It is a new 08 Q6 F/S with the Merc 190hp. I am really excited about this upcoming boating season with the new boat. I have been reading a lot of the post dealing with the tahoe boats and how everyone recommends the 60lbs smart tabs for the Q6. I figured that I would order the tabs and get them installed before the summer gets here. I was wondering if anyone could please tell me which brand to get if it makes a difference and where to order them from. Thanks for your help!!!


Apr 12, 2009
Re: Smart Tabs

Hello Biggs033,
I'm in the same situation. I just purchased my first boat as well. A 2008 Tahoe Q5i. I have read several post here on the trim tabs and it appears the
Nauticus Smart Tabs are the way to go. From what I read, they are pretty automatic and really work once you get them installed properly. I plan to put a set of Nauticus Smart Tab SX 60lb on my boat. I just need to know the proper location to mount them. So I will post pics of the back of the boat when I pick it up Thursday and hopefully someone on the forum will help me
out on location. The website is Again this is my 1st boat so somewhere may can suggest better, but those are the ones I'm going with.


Apr 13, 2009
Re: Smart Tabs


Congrats on the new purchase! Thanks for the website. I'm going to get the same tabs. I heard a lot of people saying that the boat calls for the 80lbs but they really plowed the water and returned them for the 60lbs. I pick my boat up on Friday. When you find out about the proper location of where to mount them please post me some picts. Thanks for your post and happy boating!


Apr 13, 2009
Re: Smart Tabs


I looked at a couple different sites for the smart tabs and seems that $119.00 is the cheapest I could find them. I was just wanting to check the model that you were going to get. The ones I found were the SX9510-60 Smart Tabs SX Trim Tabs. Is this the same set you are getting. Is you boat 19ft? It shows that for my boat being a 20.5ft that the 80lbs are the ones to get, but I have heard different from others on this forum. Just want to make sure I get the right ones.


Apr 12, 2009
Re: Smart Tabs

Yes, those are the ones that I am getting. The Q5i is 19.5" and from what I heard from others, the 60lbs are the way to go. Also you may need to contact Nauticus directly because I read somewhere they have a special bracket for the Tahoe boats because some curve in the back which makes it
difficult to mount the acuator. So I would call just to make sure your model is not in that situation. As far as price. I haven't really shopped price because I bought my boat from Gander Mt. which is getting out of the boat sales business here in Houston so they were offering them cheap and every boat
you buy you get a $2500 gift card so I will use it to purchase the tabs along with other goodies. They have them priced at $129 so the $119 seems pretty good. I also thoght I saw on the website a mention of a rebate.


Apr 13, 2009
Re: Smart Tabs

Man I wish my boat would have come with the $ 2500 gift card, that takes care of all you needed accessories! One other question I had was, what about a cover? I bought my boat from a Bass Pro here in Indiana and they are quoting me about $900 on a tahoe cover. I know I want to get a nice cover that is dependable and will last, but seems that there should be some other deals out there. I did see on this iBoats site that they have covers for tahoe's. They are made by Westland and are priced on sale right now, but again I want to get a decent cover. Any input? Thanks


Mar 14, 2009
Re: Smart Tabs

See other thread on smart tabs for plenty of pictures. The company will send you two connectors that attach the bottom of the actuator to the tab which will allow full range of motion when you attach to the bubble part of the transom. You need to mount them approx. 6 inches from the sides to be fully effective.

Yes, those are the ones that I am getting. The Q5i is 19.5" and from what I heard from others, the 60lbs are the way to go. Also you may need to contact Nauticus directly because I read somewhere they have a special bracket for the Tahoe boats because some curve in the back which makes it
difficult to mount the acuator. So I would call just to make sure your model is not in that situation. As far as price. I haven't really shopped price because I bought my boat from Gander Mt. which is getting out of the boat sales business here in Houston so they were offering them cheap and every boat
you buy you get a $2500 gift card so I will use it to purchase the tabs along with other goodies. They have them priced at $129 so the $119 seems pretty good. I also thoght I saw on the website a mention of a rebate.


Jan 20, 2009
Re: Smart Tabs

Check the store link on this site for the smart tabs. I just got a set for my Q6 delivered that are supposed to be "factory blemish" for $99 I think. If you can see the issue with them you have better eyes than me...and they are covered fully under the warranty.