Smart Tabs - honestly ?


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 26, 2004
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

The suggest a small rope line and cleat. You need to visit their web site and look through the info there. The answer to your problem is there! :D

Hey, you're right! The instructions they have for the tabs now are a lot more comprehensive than the ones I got with my tabs a few years back. They show nice pics of how to rig them with rope/cleat for temporary lifting out of the way, and I also like their little rubber-band & string rigging they display, so a person can see exactly when the tabs move up and down for testing and fine tuning purposes.

I might toy with these things again someday when I have a chance to just screw around on the lake, and see if I can optimize them a touch more with this new info.



Mar 29, 2008
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

These are the first thing I plan to add to my boat (which I am getting this weekend)...

Have any of you noticed the improved fuel efficiency they talk about? I mean it makes sense, if you get on plane quicker at a lower speed, you don't have to totally gun it, and can probably get by running lower average speeds which would in itself save fuel.. I can't really imagine any other way that would work out though.

At any rate, any comments to that?

I'm excited to get my (first) boat, and after reading about smart tabs, and watching demo videos I'm even more excited to get them on the boat -- even without having ever had the thing on the water yet! :)

It makes sense that you would save gas, but I never paid that much attention to it to be honest and sisn't run the test for it. I suppose if I had a fuel flow meter I would have....


Aug 2, 2008
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

What about slow speed wandering? My dad bought a 18' ft rinker with a whale tail and it helps push the back end of the boat out of the water, but the boat wanders so bad at slow speed my wife gets "car" sick. Yes she gets sick easily in a car, but not roller coasters. I would like to suggest these to the old man, but I need to fix the slow speed problem first.

Thanks, I'm new here!


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 26, 2004
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

Ah yes...completely forgot about the fact that my boat used to rhythmically wander back and forth quite noticably at idle speeds.

Now the wander is 95% gone with the Smart Tabs.


Aug 2, 2008
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

Thank you, my wife said she wouldn't ride in it ever again, hopefully I can convince him of this product. (It's easier for him to buy and spend than me, babies due in 2 weeks!!!!)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 9, 2007
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

ive only had mine on for one run so far, in addition to easier and slower planing they have eliminated porposing and i think im a little lighter on the throttle at cruising rpm. id have to say regular trim tabs are probly better but for the price and the mindless operation they cant be beat
Jul 1, 2007
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

Just tried out my Smart Tabs this weekend. :)
Boat-1985, 21 foot Celebrity Bowrider, 5.7L Merc.....HEAVY BOAT

I don't have hard data...don't even need it...too obvious a difference.
-Side-to-side motion idling out of marina (chining?) ....GONE
-Planing speed. Comes up much quicker and at slower speeds.
-Porposing- GONE
-Bashing of the hull on any kind of chop....GONE
-Speed. FAST. Speedo tops at 35. I'd say 45-50 easy

I used to have to trim all the way down at any speed. Now I have room to trim the bow up at higher speed/smoother water. I have not yet experimented with changing settings to get steeper angle and drag...but I will.

I got the stainless pro-troller model with a 90lb shock. (they don't advertise it you have to call) No saltwater here so went with steel.

Only drawback- I have a swimmstep and boat hull is quite tall. Only way to flip down to the trolling position will require me to crawl out on the swimstep and get wet. Oh Well..!!! I am extremely happy regardless.

JJ....with a Celeb


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 23, 2007
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

will you be using pro troller catches to lock Tabs down for fishing or reverse install so you can lock Tabs up for wakeboarding ?

Are the catches solid & positive ?


Aug 4, 2008
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

Recently purchased a Triton SF188 w/ 150hp Mercury. Can only run the boat with the slightest amount of trim or it will start to porpoise. Also, it wants to 'list' to the left at most speeds regardless of load position, trim, etc.
Will the Smart-tabs help with both or either of these problems? And has any of you used the similiar "Rocketflaps"?

Tks, Mike


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

Will defintiely help with porpoising and can be set to help with the port list. You should try and correct the porpoising by shifting weight forward. I still like the SmartTabs even if you solve most of the porpoising, but you should be able to get at least some trim at higher speeds without porpoising. She'll be faster if you can use the lightest trim tab settings, so again, would like to see some of the porpoising controlled first. I want my boats to slightly porpoise at full trim and WOT without tabs first. Then control that last bit of porpoise with the tabs. Does she list at rest?


Aug 4, 2008
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

No Sir, sits in the water straight-up as she should. motor doesn't have a "torque correcter" for lack of a better definition since it has hyd. steering. Was wondering if adding one might correct the list.
Tks for the imput, Mike


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 25, 2008
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

Can these be used on Bass Boats Also???

What about shallow water, stumps and rocks??

My 16` Cajun has a 135 and porpuses bad sometimes.....

Do I need to remove the hydrofoil using these???


May 29, 2008
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

Can these be used on Bass Boats Also???

What about shallow water, stumps and rocks??

My 16` Cajun has a 135 and porpuses bad sometimes.....

Do I need to remove the hydrofoil using these???

I don't have these but read about what they do... If your hitting stumps and rocks, you've already bottomed out because the hinge for these tabs are mounted 1/2 inch above the bottom and perpendicular (did I get that right???) of the hull based on your chine width. Don't think ya need the hydrofoil after you've installed these trim tabs. From what I read, you should remove it. If ya go there good luck and let us know cuz I'm thinking about tucking these up under my boat.


Nov 17, 2005
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

They have a set made special for Bass boats that mount on the angled corners of the stern. If you get them definitely get rid of the foil. Go to , or call John at 800-233-0194, and get all the info on the different tabs.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 25, 2008
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

I called and talked to them, The tabs only stick down approx. 9" under the hull, so, My trolling motor will bottom at 20".....soooooo...looks like they are not a problem on bass boats.....

he said if you hit a stump or rock at 15-20 will tear up more than the tabs anyway...LOL

and yes.....get rid of the hydrofoil........


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 7, 2007
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

I have the SX tabs on my Larson 208 LXi. My planing speed went from about 21mph to 16 mph (via GPS). I can now get on plane in less than 6 seconds. I used to keep the bolster in my seat up all the time because getting on plane took my line of sight away for quite a while. Now I keep the bolster down because I lose sight due to bow rise for less than a second!

That being said, I was at 52 mph (again via GPS) before the tabs. Now I am at 48 mph with the tabs. That is good enough for me. I would rather have a smooth 48 mph top end rather than a rough 52 top end any day. I will be adjusting my tabs to see if I can get the speed back and maintain the stability though. But I am considering going to a 23P prop too since I hit WOT way too easily with my 21P.


Lieutenant Commander
May 28, 2007
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

Working properly, in theory, you shouldn't lose any top speed... not if they're set up right. I would be that they're giving you too much stern lift and thus pushing the bow down a little more than needed, combined with creating more drag than they need to by being too far down...

A couple of quick suggestions:

1. try going to the "softest" setting on the shock (furthermost hole inward, gives the tab more leverage to move the shock and will let the tab be up out of the water a little more easily (less drag), and

2. if that doesn't do it, then perhapos try adjusting the full down position up[ a little bit - perhaps temporarily with rope or wire just to see how high you have to get them to get your top end back and then permanently to the lowest point you have your top end back...

I suspect that you'll find you wind up with the best of both worlds...

I have the SX tabs on my Larson 208 LXi. My planing speed went from about 21mph to 16 mph (via GPS). I can now get on plane in less than 6 seconds. I used to keep the bolster in my seat up all the time because getting on plane took my line of sight away for quite a while. Now I keep the bolster down because I lose sight due to bow rise for less than a second!

That being said, I was at 52 mph (again via GPS) before the tabs. Now I am at 48 mph with the tabs. That is good enough for me. I would rather have a smooth 48 mph top end rather than a rough 52 top end any day. I will be adjusting my tabs to see if I can get the speed back and maintain the stability though. But I am considering going to a 23P prop too since I hit WOT way too easily with my 21P.


Jun 13, 2005
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

Would like to jump in on this one after reading thru. A lot of posters are happy with the fact that the tabs reduce bow rise and that is what they are looking for. I am wondering if they can be adjusted to give more bow lift once cruising on plane? I have a deep V G3 185FS with 150 Yamaha 4 stroke. I would really like to be able to trim the bow up a little more and move the spray back. Thanks for any insight.


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: Smart Tabs - honestly ?

Would like to jump in on this one after reading thru. A lot of posters are happy with the fact that the tabs reduce bow rise and that is what they are looking for. I am wondering if they can be adjusted to give more bow lift once cruising on plane? I have a deep V G3 185FS with 150 Yamaha 4 stroke. I would really like to be able to trim the bow up a little more and move the spray back. Thanks for any insight.

Afraid not. Trim tabs, regardless of brand, are specifically designed to lift the stern/lower the bow by exerting downward pressure at the stern. Like the flaps on an airplane- they can be set level (no effect) or down (lowers the nose), but they can't be set "up". Your motor trim (up) should be able to raise your bow at speed. If that isn't working for you, you need to shift the load in the boat toward the stern.