Slight rot in the stringers. Will this work?


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 6, 2003
Okay, now i was anxious to get the hell of foaming done with my 14 footer. So i left the old stringers in, cause it had an inch thick of fiberglass on it( alot whooo) and i would have been grinding and sawing for months ( which i wasn't doing cause it's just a little quick fixer upper). So what i did was get some 1/2 plywood strips and ran them down each side of all the stringers and fiber glassed them until you could feel nothing but smoothness. It was solid it ain't going ne where as far as i know, but will that work. The reason is as i was screwing my floor into the stringer i was noticing that some of the screws weren't catching and it got me thinking to ask yall this cause it is strong i kicked it and hit it with a hammer and the stringers didn't move. But maybe some of you know what i'm talking bout and could give me some info as to if this can work or not. I mean the boat won't snap in half when i hit a 4 footer will it? thanks jag


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 16, 2002
Re: Slight rot in the stringers. Will this work?

sounds like it would be ok...<br /><br />The areas to watch are there the stringers butt up to the transom wall.. thats where the original stringers strength is most needed.. so you might want to check that area out.<br /><br />What sort of motor normally goes on the boat?? if its not some heavy behemouth, your less likely to have any probs with it..<br /><br />Is the hull style clinker or smooth? clinker has more structural strengh and as such they support themselves better then other hull types.<br /><br />being only a 14 footer, and the reinforcement you have added.. I'd guess that your probably alright.<br /><br />If you are worried, you might look into CPES its a very very thin epoxy that actually soaks into wood, (particularly rotten wood) and goes hard in the wood, and it has anti fungal properties.<br /><br />regards<br /><br />Franki