Should I file a complaint against the operator of a speedboat cruise company? How?


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Should I file a complaint against the operator of a speedboat cruise company? Ho

start here...

So the 'captain' is a 24 year old former high school jock, no formal training on seamanship what so ever, who got the job because his sister 'knew' one of the former captains. (yeah, pretty sure I know what that means!)
You can not operate a for hire boat w/o a Captains license. According to the profile, he has his 100-ton Master's.

Was it him at the helm? Hard to say, one of five people licensed to operate the boat.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 14, 2006
Re: Should I file a complaint against the operator of a speedboat cruise company? Ho

I don't know about the police "having to witness" or not. If I break into your house, beat your dog, help myself to your beer, then leave with the tv set - all without a soul in sight except you - you'd still call the police, right? And if you could tell them exactly who I was and where to find me, they'd probably at least pay me a visit or a call, surely.

Contact the marine detachment of the police in your area, tell them the story and see what they say. You had a boat full of people I assume who are ready to corroborate your story? Not sure of the jurisdiction of the Coast Guard but perhaps worth a call as well.

Ditto the National Transportation Safety Board's Office of Marine Safety.

Tell them you want to report the hazardous operation of commercial vessel. Bet you they call back within the same business day. And even if this twit gets away with it this time, a single call from a federal agency to the owner of the outfit will, I'm sure, shift the pucker factor to his court - even if it's just a preliminary call for a chat.

And remember - this is a business so the pocketbook is something they are going to care about. Get onto those Chicago tourist attraction websites that allow the public to post comments about local businesses. Write something scathing about their dangerous practices. Wait a week, then get one of your passengers that day to do the same. Wait another week and enlist the next passenger...and so on. Spread the love!

Kidding aside - proactive reporting of dangerous practices in the commercial aviation and marine world is something to take seriously. The friends, acquaintances, and colleagues of many a dead pilot have remarked after the fact, "Oh sure - he was an accident waiting to happen and it was only a matter of time before he killed someone."

Who knows - your complaint might be the one that gets him some serious remedial attention before he mows some other boatload of people down.

Good luck!

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: Should I file a complaint against the operator of a speedboat cruise company? Ho

If that photo is taken from yout boat, it shows that he is way too close. Plenty of room off his starboard to leave adequate passing distance. Now is the time to complain and show your evidence to any agency that will listen. I'm sure the local news would appreciate the story, and a call to the Attorney general of your state couldn't hurt either. Go for the jugular!

And never mind a flare across the bow. An "accidental" flare (while you were bobbing) right into the helm might have made him think twice!

If you described it accurately, what he did was criminal and negligent and you were only defending yourself.

If the local gendarmes are called: "Officer, I was trying to fire a warning flare skyward and his wake bounced my boat causing me to accidentally fire."


Jun 17, 2011
Re: Should I file a complaint against the operator of a speedboat cruise company? Ho

I would have "In a loud stern voice" Ordered my crew to the deck! Then I, Capt, Would have hailed One fair warning to the violater, with my handheld bullhorn. If compliance was not met, I, Capt, would have pulled down on the throttles with all I, Capt, had. Then, I Capt, Would circle that beast round&round&round. I, Capt, with my boat, would have, by going, round&round&round, created a huge WIRLPOOL/VORTEX that the beast would go down in a violent SWOOSH! Then I Capt, "In a loud stern voice" would order my crew to do a cold water rescue! Only to the passengers. That CAPT. goes down with his ship. Then I Capt,.............:facepalm:


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 8, 2001
Re: Should I file a complaint against the operator of a speedboat cruise company? Ho



Mar 8, 2010
Re: Should I file a complaint against the operator of a speedboat cruise company? Ho

Don't get mad,Get even.


Jun 17, 2010
Re: Should I file a complaint against the operator of a speedboat cruise company? Ho

I would have stopped in front of him after the second time he crossed my path. Then I would Have my men board his ship With swords and cutlasses, and and order them to show no mercy!

I had my American Flag flying on account of the holiday! The one with the anchor symbol surrounded by stars. Also, I accidentally left my rapiers and scimitars in the car. I'm a terrible pirate.


Jun 17, 2010
Re: Should I file a complaint against the operator of a speedboat cruise company? Ho

@scoutabout, Augoose: Thanks for the advice. I will follow up on it tomorrow morning.

@seabob4: I will check out the area a bit north, thanks.

@jigngrub: We were too busy hanging on to take photographs with a camera let alone our cameraphones!

@Frank: Sorry, I found a link to that picture searching google. It was not taken from my boat. I should have made that clear.

@timdan, relocyo: Good idea. It was the 4th weekend after all!

Thanks for the responses. Hope everyone had a safe and great 4th today.

road kill

Aug 22, 2010
Re: Should I file a complaint against the operator of a speedboat cruise company? Ho

It sounds to me like that company has a pretty immature Capt. piloting that boat. He most likely won't learn how to run it in a responsible manner until he's either brought up on charges or kills someone.
All too often I've been in similar situations, all too often those times were during busy holiday periods as well. Only once I lost my temper, and only after giving several warnings to an idiot boater that kept buzzing us that day.
It also helped that my fishing buddy that day could swim like a fish under water for long periods of time. ....It's amazing what a piece of rope tied between his bow eye and an old submerged truck rim will do to prevent future close passes by an idiot in in a jet boat. We never put him in any danger, we just sat and watched as he tried to figure out what was wrong, as I, and several other smaller boats sat around laughing. (He had nearly swamped a dozen or more boats that day).
His top speed was about 3 mph at full throttle. It was even funnier watching him try to load that thing on the trailer with a 100lb rim on a rope dragging behind the boat in shallow water. We gave up on fishing and had far more fun that day just getting even. he didn't figure out what was up until he tried to drive away and the rim came along following him through the parking lot about 10' behind the boat, still tied to the bow eye. I think he may have finally got the hint that someone wasn't happy with him, but I doubt he had a clue how that rim got tied to his boat like that.

My buddy said that the fool was just lucky there wasn't something bigger down there to tie him too.