Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?


Mar 20, 2011
I'm looking at an 18-foot bowrider, was just wondering if I should expect the boat to come with life vests and bumpers?


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 14, 2009
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

Some do , some don't.....check the tags and condition of them if they do come with. There is no rule about it. Sometimes you get lucky.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 14, 2009
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

You only need the right sizes for those aboard of the inexpensive orange jobbers... can be had for as little as $5 per if you shop around. If you want the spiffier ski jacket types, they can be inexpensive at Walmart...maybe $12 per.

EMC 1810SS

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 20, 2010
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

Some do , some don't.....check the tags and condition.

I would sell my boat with dock lines and bumpers, but no life saveing equiptment. As cheap as you can find life jackets and the fact that they do have a usable service life, its not worth the liability.


Mar 20, 2011
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

Cool, thanks for the answers!


Master Chief Petty Officer
Feb 15, 2009
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

My boat came with vests from the previous owner. They were very worn and had a couple tears so I threw them in the trash and bought new. When it comes to safety gear, if it isn't in good shape or is out of date pitch it and get new. As for what you get when you buy used is what the seller is willing to give you and for how much.

I would price the accessories you will need, PFD's, flares, extinguisher, etc. these items have expiration dates and need replaced every so often just to have an idea of what you might have to spend.

not enuf toys

Chief Petty Officer
Feb 14, 2011
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

loaded question with a loaded answer

if the seller is getting out of boating all together, pretty much everything will come with it :eek:)

IMO bumpers and dock lines should go with the boat. usually bumpers are on lines cut and designed to work with that particular boat. dock lines are usually the same if not matching the boat.

life jackets??? well only if they are truely the generic orange ones then maybe. any skiing jackets or fishing jackets no. i have a set of neoprine jackets that are the right size for my family and friends (4 adult ones in different sizes and 2 kids). if i got rid of them with the boat i would just have to replace them, and odds are they wont fit the buyer either. so they are personal items

fire extinguisher? if mounted in the boat i would think it would come.

flares and distress flags? prob not. they are somehting that will work on any boat and are prob not particular to the one in question

*** i guess my final answer is personal items that can transfer from one boat to another, prob wont be there. items that are made or customized for that boat will prob stay with that boat ***


Vice Admiral
Sep 20, 2010
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

Yeah I think to expect these things is asking too much unless they are specifically negotiated at the time of sale, I certainly would not expect them but then again if they did then BONUS!!

But with that being said your going to have to buy your own stuff anyway unless your the luckiest person on earth to get the proper sized PFD's for your crew!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 5, 2010
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

If you're basing your decision to guy a boat on whether or not it comes with life preservers, ropes, and fenders you're priorities are out of whack. What comes with the boat is the boat. Most of the time the electronics install come with it s well (but not always). Anything beyond that is gravy.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

don't expect it but see it as a bonus. Some equipment such as an anchor/line or fire extinquisher I'd expect before loose stuff like lines and PFD's.
I bought 2 boats last year--one the guy let me have a gallon of Yam oil, ring free and a hand-held VHF (what he used; I mounted one but use the hand held hunting) compass, GPS/fish finder and the anchor and extinquisher.'
The other I bought for the motor (70 hp) for $900. When I asked about the stuff, he said just take it all (I left the pinestraw). Got anchor, lines, bumpers, lures, new pfd's (orange) fish finder, mounted vhf (dead) compass, oil, charts, some tools and fishing stuff--it was like a rolling yard sale. Kept the stuff, kept the motor, sold the hull and trailer for $500.
One of the advantages to buying used is that you often get a lot of stuff that takes a lot of money to buy new, or years of scavenging to accumulate. I'm lucky that Ilive in a boating town so our yard sales are full of good stuff.


Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

Only if the PO did you a favour other wise your going to have to get your own. When I get my boay the PO left me with outdated vests and a rusing spare parts.Not even a good wiper blade or even a clean seat cushon to sit on. Maybe that is beter that way then yo ucan get all fresh things and the ones YOU want not the ones someone else stuck you with and didn't want throw away. Just make sure you have all the up to date safety equipment yo uneed that way you can be sure they will work in an emergency. Good luck with your new to you boat and safe boating.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Aug 30, 2010
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

I think it should be a universal requirement for everyone (else) to provide all the pertinent equipment when they sell you a boat. I mean...really...would you buy a car without seatbelts? no. So therefore everyone (else) should provide all the needed equipment to the new buyer. I will go one step further and say that it should be required that the seller also include the buyers choice of tubes, wakeboards, skis, covers, bimini top, spare prop, tool kit, cd or mp3 collection, and a full tank of gas.

You wouldnt get ANY of this stuff from me, unless negotiated as part of the sale beforehand, but to answer your original question...yes. Everyone (else) SHOULD provide this stuff. :D


Nov 18, 2010
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

If you're looking to buy a boat, the safety equipment is the least of your financial worries. :D

Triton II

Nov 23, 2004
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

I sold a boat two years ago with its complete offshore safety gear kit, i.e anchor and rope, paddle, boat hook, PFDs, flare kit, fire extinguisher, V-sheet and VHF radio. I included all mounted electrics (GPS-sounder and stereo with speakers), the fenders, two dock lines and the boat's/trailer's registration, service history and sales receipts. I got quotes for a new boat from several dealers and some didn't even offer a flare kit.

Call me a mug, but as a seller I want the new owner to be pleased with his purchase, and as a buyer I expect dealers to want to "value add", but do expect my and my family's safety to be considered. I bought from a dealer who provided PFDs, a fire extinguisher etc as part if the deal. GPSs etc I expect to be allowed to specify my choices and obviously to be charged accordingly. Just my opinion...



Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 31, 2010
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

Ive bought a used jet ski and a older fish and ski boat. They both came with life jackets,old ropes,skis,knee boards, anchors,and gas cans. Needless to say i threw all that crap away and only kept the gas cans. If your spending the money on a boat, spend the money to buy new life vests, and ropes. It will pay off in the long run. Oh and funny story about the fire extinguisher comment, When i bought my 88 fish and ski the extinguisher mounted in it was dated 1986? And the guy i bought it from was talking about how he took his family out all the time in the boat and how it handled all of them so well blah blah. and all i could think in the back of my mind was your fire extinguisher is older than the boat and all you have for life vests was the rinky dink orange jobs from wal-mart. Anyway long story short don't expect any used boat to come with the "extras" and besides that there cheap enough to just replace yourself anyway.


May 4, 2010
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

Some people seem anal about stuff. Though as long as the lifevest are in good shape and still have the visible Coast guard PDF printing on it, you are good to go. If you are worried, if you are still worried, it wouldn't be hard to test them. When I got my boat used. I got flares, bumpers, 4 PDFs, and dock lines from the previous owner. I had to go buy a throwable cushion and I purchased some more life jackets for skiing. If I sell the boat I will keep the skiing PDFs, but I will leave the cushion. It seems like all the boats I looked at came with the bare min to make you compliant with the law.

Though to answer your question, no you should only expect what the previous owner has left you with.


Jun 1, 2010
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

My old boss several years ago bought a Viking for $1.5 mil. We went to pick her up. No dock lines, but everything else. We had to buy the lines from the seller for a couple hundred dollars. :facepalm:


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 26, 2009
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

Depends on the seller. I sold my old pontoon and let the buyer keep 8 PDF's (still new in packages), throwable, dock lines, 4 anchors, 4 gas tanks, fire extinguisher (since it was mounted), etc. I did however keep the spare battery and box, paddles, and net. Buyer was a little ticked about me keeping the battery, but oh well. Sure would love to have those anchors and PDF's back though LOL

My newest boat purchase came with nothing but a dock line as far as "accessories" go. I had to re-supply my PDF's, throwable, anchors, etc, but I always keep that in mind when looking to purchase a boat. The $$ does add up to an extent, but the peace of mind of all new safety equipment is more than worth it.


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 10, 2011
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

Depends on the seller. Some people sell a boat to get completely out of the boating business, in which case all the accessories usually come with the boat....PFDs, dock line, bumpers, emergency kit, etc. But remember that some people are selling their boat to buy a new one. So in this case he may take a lot of the accessories with him.

But also remember that you may be inhereting dock line that's been abused, or PFDs that weren't taken care of. Overall, I think it's worth the money to buy new accessories.


Nov 18, 2010
Re: Should a used boat come with life vests, lines, bumpers?

My old boss several years ago bought a Viking for $1.5 mil. We went to pick her up. No dock lines, but everything else. We had to buy the lines from the seller for a couple hundred dollars. :facepalm:

Ya that'd be my point. The cost of the safety equipment is irrelevant compared to the price of the boat, price of upgrades made to boat, ect. Like buying a car and getting an oil change.