shopping list for the fiberglass supplier


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 10, 2010
Hey all...In another post I started digging into the x-19 a little...While I dont disagree that the entire boat needs to be gone through for any long term use, I think I can safely get away with what I have this season..
It looks as though the majority of the deck was not covered in glass..In the rear deck area of the boat the only glass I see is an 8" strip on the transition from chine/hull area to deck.. Everything in between was unglassed and covered up with carpet/including the tank cover(middle deck area).

At this point I have only found little water damage in a foam float box(above the deck) and the surounding deck apx 12"X48".. all port side.. My intention is to rebuild the float foam box and the surounding section of deck ..(all 1/2" ply)
From what I have been reading (correct me if I am off please) it seams I am going to be using unwaxed poly resin...
Covering my plywood with a min of 1.5 csm then 6 oz cloth..
My main sections of this patch are 1.) 3 boards (foam box)port stern corner 2.) 12" X48" deck board and last 3.) the tank cover (made up up two 1/2" pieces sandwiched together)
My first question,
Is covering boths sides of all these pieces with the csm/cloth combo overkill ?

My next question is on tape..Is tape needed for all seams/transistions or can I use the 6oz cloth ? I am guessing the tape is just about the same stuff cut up for application purpose.
I am still reading many posts and searching things out. I am getting ready to make an order and just want to be sure I am not missing anything ..
For what I am doing I dont think I need any thickeners or fillers..
Thanks in advance
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Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 10, 2010
Re: shopping list for the fiberglass supplier

I'll try to clean up my last post a little..
I want to glass the foam flotation box and glass the gas tank cover and portion of the deck repair for water resistance and added strength.
so far I have on the list
1.non waxed lamintaing resin
2.1.5 oz CSM
3. 6oz cloth
I am buying enough to cover all sides.
1) Is this over kill for the bottom side of the deck and inside of the float box?

2)Also , should I be using a heavier tape for all my corners of the box instead of the 6 oz cloth ?
Should I use something like strips of the 1708? I am thinking of the the box corners, the corners where the box meets the deck and the transistion point where the deck ends and meets the gunnel /hull area..


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 10, 2010
Re: shopping list for the fiberglass supplier

well upon further reading it seams opinions vary on glassing the bottom side of the deck..
for waterproofing with the poly I will at least need to do a layer of csm. hmmm
And as for tape, my project is small enough and I am thinking I will just get some 38" 1708 and cut into strips for tabbing the deck to the gunnel and my float box float box joint and corners..
seems two layers of tabing is the way to go for deck to gunnel????
have questions on encapsulating but i think i will make a new post
thanks in advance