Shad are in....

Capn Mike

Chief Petty Officer
Dec 10, 2001
and the catching is crazy. After a while, we get anxious if we're not hooking one every minute or so. Lot's of fun, they're running about 20" or so, and about 2,3 lbs, I guess, depending upon whether it's a boy or a pregnant girl. Three of us caught over 70 of them in 3 hours couple of days ago.<br />Since we don't have an extra freezer, we're releasing all of them. Make great crab bait, but I just about lost my loving bride last year when I tried saving a few in the kitchen freezer next to the ice cream.... :rolleyes:


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 17, 2002
Re: Shad are in....

Hey Mike, do you mind telling me where and what your using? Ive never fished for them before but have used shad for crab bait, and ill tell you the crab were all over the pots. Best bait bar none.


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Shad are in....

Yeah Capn', what's your method of take?<br /><br />They're running on the Sacramento now to.<br />A local company makes a small metal bodied lure with a straight hairtail. They call it a Shad dart, yellow works best.<br />I've read on a fishing Oregon site that a simple annealed hook on a #3 barrel swivel works killer.<br />I think I'll give that a try since I've reminded myself.<br /><br />Someone a long time ago told me they (the Shad)were good smoked. I brought a few home. Stunk up the entire nieghborhood. It took a long time for the Lil'Chief to mellow out again.<br />Strictly catch and release since then. I'll use one for Sturgeon bait if I've got one handy.

Capn Mike

Chief Petty Officer
Dec 10, 2001
Re: Shad are in....

Local lore says anything bright & shiny...last year, it was silver w/green, this year, it's brass w/red. :rolleyes: <br />There's a lure called **** Knight: it's a very small (1") very light wobbler/spoon. I've also caught them on any other small flicker-type lure. If you can't find the Knights, try tiny crappie spoons. Some of the lures are so small the hooks don't take; replace them with a #8 or 10 single siwash hook....treble hooks don't seem to work that well (and we pinch down the barb anyway). Make sure the hook is big enough to catch the fish, but not so big that it'll mess up the flicker of the lure. <br />Shad have big, but very tender mouths with lots of bone...seems like hooks come out easy unless very sharp.<br />We prowl the river until we see a lot of activity on the fish finder, then we anchor above them and back bounce down into them using a 3-4 oz of weight on a spliter or 3-way swivel. Last night we even had to go up to 5 oz..the river is really running high and, during out-going tide, really fast (7+ mph). That means lots of action on our lures, but it's kind of nervous seeing large trees coming down river :eek: Skinnywater, don't know if the Sacramento is running fast enough for the above-mentioned lures...if not, you might try any small, bright brass spinner. And I mean small, as in tiny: no more than 1" in size. And bright...did I mention bright?!<br /><br />It's funny...they come in waves and for a while one side of the boat will catch all the fish, then it'll switch over to the other side.<br />But with over 30,000 shad running daily over Bonneville, it's not like there aren't a few fish in the river..... <br /><br />I just previewed this post...Mr. Knight's first name is the diminutive of Richard... ;)


Mar 16, 2002
Re: Shad are in....

What kind of shad are these? Are they like the Gizzard and Threadfin that I fish with? If so, how can you eat them, I cant hardly bear to hook one with all that stink.

Capn Mike

Chief Petty Officer
Dec 10, 2001
Re: Shad are in....

Not sure about Gizzards and Threadfins in Arkansas, but these are herring related, so I suspect they may be at least closely related. Our shad were originally transplanted from the east coast to the Sacramento River 50+ (?) years ago , and have worked their way up the west coast since.<br />They're quite thin looking head on (maybe 3"?) and tall (10+"?) looking from the side. Small mouths, very bony, dime-sized scales, kind of and green color. Last night I weighed a few and they're averaging 3 to 7 lbs.<br />And yes, when they're alive they're "aromatic." And when dead....mmmmmmmm. :rolleyes: That's why they make such good crab bait! :D Otherwise, they're put back into the river to swim some more and we sure don't try to eat them.<br />I've tried eating the roe (sauteed in garlic butter), but can't really convince myself it's very good. And some guys swear that you can smoke them and they're tasty on crackers. But I swear these might be the same guys that will smoke anything..... ;)


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Shad are in....

I'm laughing about the 7mph current and 5oz. wieght! Shoot that's enough to get the wife seasick!<br />The Sac is running 3mph @56 deg.F. Oh, and our drought is over for sure. The banks of Lake Shasta is in the pine trees with tons of snow in the high country.<br /><br />Nathan, these Shad look identical to 2-7lb. Tarpon. That's why they're so fun to catch. I've caught as many as 75 in 2 hours. Barbless is the way to go.<br /><br />Thanks Capn, tight lines.

Capn Mike

Chief Petty Officer
Dec 10, 2001
Re: Shad are in....

Just looked @ the dam fish counts: shad are averaging over 100,000 per day (142,000+ @ The Dalles a couple of days ago). :D <br />So you'd think anyone could catch them, right? My high the other day was 122 in about 3 hours: I caught 54, my friend Jim, caught 63 and my brother: 5. We couldn't believe it! What a jinx! This is the same guy who can stop a salmon run just by walking by the river! What am I going to do? He's my brother! :eek: