Re: Seafoarm Decarbonizing... Overheating WOT????
I really don't know if warped, choked, or washboarded is the correct term to describe what happened to my motor, but after the first overheat which was caused by a bread bag in the water combined with a bad overheat sensor, even though everything seemed fine visually and at low throttle settings, at high throttle settings, it always got hot after about 30" of running. I was reluctant to accept that diagnosis too, especially since I was the one writing the checks for repairs, so before I junked it, took it to a second shop and they checked out everything the first shop had done/said and came to the same conclusion and he didn't even want to buy it as a parts motor so I sold it to a third shop. I hope that this is not the same problem the OP is currently having, but thought it worthwhile to relate for him to consider before he spends tons of money on a motor that may be beyond repair without a major rebuild.warped cylinders that overheat at high throttle settings?....What?, I have heard of a choked bore and seen wash boarded cylinders from overheat but a warped bore? i could be wrong but you may have been taken to the cleaners.