Re: sea foam
seafoam is a "de-carbon" fluid.... Basically it's made to remove carbon deposits off the inside of the engine... Being 2-stroke and burning oil means carbon builds up on the pistons and exhaust...
It's available in two forms... One is a "liquid" you mix in with your gas and the other is a "spray" you spray directly into the carb...
I believe most folks just mix some in their gas every once in a while... I like the idea of the spray myself...
You can also find it under some other names... Seafoam just happens to be the more popular one... I believe the OMC version is "Engine Tuner"...
One word of note... Especially if you use the spray... Prepare the neighbors and perhaps the fire house in advance... When that carbon burns off the motor is gonna fog out smoke like you've never seen before... And I don't mean that light whispy bluish two-stroke smoke you're used to... This thing will FOG out some SERIOUS heavy standing white thick smoke... Thing 50 fog machines all attached to your transom running wide open... LOL