Yeah, I was still in school too. It's funny, in some things I'm still converting to the old system, as in weight, I am still converting to pounds to know what to expect. Speed or distance, the other way around, miles or mph mean nothing to me until I convert to km or km/h.I was in High School when Canada did its Conversion to Metric, and I am quite good at functioning in Both Systems.
I know there are 1.6kms in a Mile, 2.2 lbs in a Kilogram. that 0C is 32F, 10C is 50F, 20C is 68, and 30C is just too damn hot
Every 10C change is 18F chance
4.54 Liters make a Gallon.
Acre and Hectares, I have no clue, but then again I really don't give a Damn either