Re: Rough and ready '74 Starcraft Chieftan 18' rebuild
Jeez, Chem. Do you have any more questions? LOL On the transom, just bust it up and get it out, you don't have much for a pattern anyway. The red line for the cut - I would turn your line 90 degrees and just trim enough for the ply to slide in. It looks like you only need a smidge and then seal the cap with 4200 when you re-assemble.
The W/S plexi shouldn't be too bad, flat helps a lot.
And now the big question. What the heck are your flipper-flappers? Not shopping cart wheel thingies, not bimini parts. They look like AL to me that were bolted to some steel (rusty marks) and they appear to be all the same with the same butterfly shape. Nothing I can recall seeing in any SC. I say put 'em on the shelf just in case you happen to find a place for them. If they're still on the shelf at the end, toss 'em.
EDIT - forgot about the rib ends. Looks like they got butchered to help drop the floor in those places, Mine are all flattened for the floor to rest on.