Rookie Bimini Top & Speedo Question


Sep 5, 2010
I bought a used 2008 Tahoe Q4-SS a few weeks ago from a credit union in my area. They obviously didn't know anything about the boat but it was far to good of a deal to pass up. I've seen so many Tahoe's riding with the the bimini tops let down...

EXAMPLE (this is not my boat)

Now.. This is my boat.

I have looked at the hardware on mine and it doesn't seem to be an obvious way to pull the pin on the rear bar and let it down. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Does my boat have different hardware?

ALSO... The only thing my boat was missing was the 'speedo thingy' on the rear of the boat, next to the drain plug. I'm assuming something got in there and it stopped working and the previous owner took it out to investigate. Anyways, I did not get one with the boat. Has anyone replaced one of these? Does it just screw into place and have a cable that it connects to from the engine compartment? Roughly how much will this cost?

Thanks for any help you can provide and sorry for the rookie questions!


May 27, 2009
Re: Rookie Bimini Top & Speedo Question

A pic of the rest of the top would help.
There apears to be some sort of slide on the front support, but short of that I cant see anything.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 9, 2010
Re: Rookie Bimini Top & Speedo Question

Just behind the rear bimini legs there will be a slide lever , just slide back and hold while you lift the leg out of the socket. To remove the entire bimini do the same to the front suports except the front unlocks forward. As far as the speedo unless modified after market it works off of water preasure thru a small hole on the back side of your drive unit, there will be a small hole. A tube runs from the drive to the gauge. I have seen no cable driven speedos on Tahoes or other boats.